ee10140 microprocessors and interfacing

This class was created by Brainscape user Archie O'Boyle. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

Chapter 1: Instructions
Why do we use an assembly language,
What is a complex instruction set...,
What is a reduced instruction set...
5  cards
Chapter 1: Microprocessors
Describe explain what a microproc...,
What is a microprocessor responsi...,
Break down levels in a microproce...
12  cards
Chapter 1: Architecture
What is architecture,
Fundamental information about the...,
Different architectures
14  cards
Chapter 1: Data & Memory
Each binary digit is a,
A byte is,
A nibble is
25  cards
Chapter 2: Coding numbers into binary
What are unsigned integers,
What is ones compliment,
How is
6  cards
Coding other information to binary
How is information stored,
The two main character sets,
6  cards
Chapter 2: Width of data memory/registers
The standard amount of memory sto...,
What can happen when the word siz...,
What can happen when word size is...
16  cards
Chapter 2: Status Flags
What are staus flags,
What is the zero flag,
What is the carry flag
14  cards
Chapter 2: Arithmetic Logic Unit
What does the alu do,
The two types of addition perform...,
How does the alu subtract
13  cards
Chapter 3: Instructions: Machine Code
What can instructions be broken d...,
What is the opcode,
What do modifiers do
18  cards
Chapter 3: Assembly
Example assembly program,
Lookup table
6  cards
Chapter 3: Instruction Set Architecture
Word size data word,
What determines how big the instr...,
What is the operand
17  cards
Chapter 3: Addressing modes
Why do we need addressing modes,
The simplest operands,
What is an offset
15  cards
Chapter 4: The Program counter
What happens when a normal alu ty...,
How can the program counter be us...,
What is pipelining
10  cards
Chapter 4: Data dependent branching/Absolute Addressing
What is data dependent branching,
Example pseudocode for a conditio...,
Example code for a if else loop
6  cards
Chapter 4: Relative Branching/Skips/Subroutines
What are relative branches,
The advantages of relative branches,
What are skips used for
8  cards
Chapter 4: Interrupts/Exceptions
Why do we need interupts,
The two fundamental paradigms as ...,
What is a programme controlled in...
10  cards
Chapter 5: Sample Rate
The importance of sample rates
13  cards
Chapter 5: Range and Resolution
How is the range shown for a conv...,
How is the range measured,
What is the resolution
5  cards
Chapter 5: DAC types
General rule for,
The three dacs to know,
Describe what happens in a weight...
15  cards
Chapter 5: ADC Types
The types of adc,
What makes up a comparator,
Main differnces that seperate adcs
13  cards

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ee10140 microprocessors and interfacing

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