finals - patient management and health promotion

This class was created by Brainscape user Harry Wheeler. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Medical and Dental implications of Alcohol abuse
How is alcohol metabolised,
How is alcohol absorbed,
What is alcohol metabolised into
56  cards
Screening and intervening of Alcohol misuse
What does 1 unit of alcohol look ...,
What is definition of hazardous d...,
Definition of harmful drinking
20  cards
Population Health Epidemiology IV
What did clemmensen 1965 say abou...,
What is the definition of risk fa...,
What is the concept of cause
38  cards
Montgomery Consent
What are the factors needed for c...,
What is the hunter v hanley 1955,
Bolam v friern hospital managemen...
7  cards
Community Water Fluoridation
How does fluoride prevent caries,
What lesions is fluoride most eff...,
What are the two broad types of o...
43  cards
Domestic abuse
What is domestic abuse,
What is gender based violence,
What are the health consequences ...
9  cards
Human Error
What is the robert francis recomm...,
Some examples of non technical sk...,
What is the sbar briefing model
7  cards
What is childsmile,
What are the main aims of childsmile,
What are the upstream interventio...
4  cards
Smoking cessation
4 things to ask about smoking,
What are some things to tell pati...,
What is the methodology for smoki...
7  cards
Equality in the Dental Practice
What is diveristy,
What is equality,
What is equity
23  cards
Stress and Relisience
What is stress,
Why is stress in dentistry an issue,
Give some causes of stress
10  cards
Evidence Based Dentistry
What is a risk,
What is odds,
What are the questions to ask whe...
27  cards
Fourth Year PMHP
What are the dimensions of health...
1  cards

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finals - patient management and health promotion

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