This class was created by Brainscape user Anton Krupa. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

Theme 1 - 1.1 - Population Dynamics
Define population explosion,
Define birth rate,
Define death rate
96  cards
Theme 1 - 1.2 - Migration
Define migration,
Define push factors,
Define pull factors
47  cards
Theme 1 - 1.3 - Population Structure
Define population structure,
What is a population pyramid,
Define dependency ratio
28  cards
Theme 1 - 1.4 - Population Density And Distribution
What is population density,
What is population distribution,
What does densely populated area ...
16  cards
Theme 1 - 1.5 - Settlements And Service Provision
Define dispersed settlement,
Define nucleated settlement,
Define linear settlement
38  cards
Theme 1 - 1.6 - Urban Settlements
Define urban land use,
Define bid rent,
Define central business district
43  cards
Theme 1 - 1.7 - Urbanisation
Define urbanisation,
Define a millionaire city,
Define a megacity
19  cards
Theme 2 - 2.1 - Earthquakes And Volcanoes
Define crater,
Define lava,
Define shield volcano
95  cards
Theme 2 - 2.2 - Rivers
Define tributary,
Define drainage basin,
Define watershed
73  cards
Theme 2 - 2.3 - Coasts
Define abrasion or corrasion,
Define hydraulic action,
Define solution or corrosion
107  cards
Theme 2 - 2.4 - Weather
What are the design features of a...,
What is a stevenson screen,
Define weather
60  cards
Theme 2 - 2.5 - Climate And Natural Vegetation
What are the characteristics of e...,
In what climate do rainforests grow,
Describe the global distribution ...
79  cards
Theme 3 - 3.1 - Development
Define development,
Define gross national product,
Define gross domestic product
82  cards
Theme 3 - 3.4 - Tourism
Define tourism,
Define package tour,
Define growth pole
41  cards
Theme 3 - 3.5 - Energy
Define fossil fuels,
Define renewable energy,
Define energy mix
43  cards
Theme 3 - 3.6 - Water
Define water supply,
Define dam,
Define reservoir
44  cards
Theme 3 - 3.7 - Environmental Risks Of Economic Development
Define pollution,
What are some forms of pollution,
Define prevailing wind
39  cards
Theme 3 - 3.2 - Food Production
Define system,
Define irrigation,
Define economies of scale
53  cards
Theme 3 - 3.3 - Industry
Remember to revise the different ...,
Why can the manufacturing industr...,
Define by product
50  cards

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gcse - geography

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