This class was created by Brainscape user Lauren Mead. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

Genetics reading 1
3 parts of a nucleotide,
How do the sugars of dna and rna ...,
5 basic bases
15  cards
Reading 2
Dispersive replication,
How many stages does replication ...,
The stages of replication
20  cards
Reading 4
What does pcr stand for,
Who invented pcr,
What is needed to carry out a pcr...
12  cards
Reading 5
What is transcription,
3 major classes of rna in prokary...,
What is the nucleotide substrate ...
14  cards
Exam 1
The fundamental properties of gen...,
Before the discovery of dna peopl...,
The word genetic means
150  cards
Reading 6
What is the nucleotide substrate ...,
Where within a eukaryotic cell do...,
What does the enzyme rna polymera...
13  cards
Reading 8
What is gene regulation,
What does it mean to say that a g...,
What does it mean to say that a g...
12  cards
Reading 9
What is a feature of gene regulat...,
What are three major differences ...,
What are the two domains of the h...
10  cards
Reading 12
What are the two unique and chara...,
What is an endogenous retrovirus,
How is an endogenous retrovirus t...
10  cards
Exam 2
115  cards
Reading 13
Are somatic mutations passed to f...,
Are germline mutations passed to ...,
Base substitution mutations are e...
10  cards
Reading 14
What is the meaning of benign,
What is the meaning of malignant,
What are three observations that ...
10  cards
Reading 15
What meant by diploid are most of...,
What is meant by haploid are most...,
How many chromosomes do we have i...
9  cards
Reading 16
What type of organism did mendel ...,
How many alleles are included in ...,
What is meant by genotype
13  cards
Reading 17/18
True or false the sorting of alle...,
Who is walter sutton what theory ...,
What is the chromosome theory of ...
10  cards
Reading 19
What process causes the genetic v...,
True or false autosomes are the s...,
What does the term heterogametic ...
10  cards
Reading 20
Define homologous genes,
What is a phylogenetic tree,
The last common ancestor of human...
11  cards
Reading 21
When researchers released the hum...,
When the human reference genome w...,
What date was the reference genom...
13  cards
Reading 22
What is the sanger method of dna ...,
How long did it the take the huma...,
In contrast how long does it take...
9  cards
Exam 4
Nonautonomes is another term for,
2  cards

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