google cloud platform certified associate engineer copy

This class was created by Brainscape user Scott Johnson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

Google Compute Engine (GCE)
To learn about the Google Compute Engine service
9  cards
Google Cloud Platform command line
To learn the Google Cloud Platform command line commands
54  cards
Case Studies
Review case studies that make up most of the exam which requires the test taker to determine the best answer based on the requirements given
0  cards
Containers and Container Management
Information on Containers and how to manage them for the exam
0  cards
Google App Engine
Information on Google App Engine (GAE) for the exam
0  cards
Google Cloud Storage (GCS)
Information on Google Cloud Storage (GCS) for the exam (need to know the differences between storage types)
15  cards
Google Data Services
To learn the various data services and the differences between them (i.e. DataProc, Dataflow, Cloud Datastore, BigQuery, and BigTable)
0  cards
Backup and Recovery
To learn about Backup and Recovery on the Google Cloud Platform
0  cards
To learn about how billing is on GCP
0  cards
Devops on GCP
To learn about Devops on GCP
0  cards
Cloud Best Practices
To learn about Cloud Best Practices on GCP
0  cards
To learn about SQL on GCP
0  cards
To learn about how DNS is done on GCP as well as DNS zone and records
0  cards
Cloud Load balancing and Autoscaling
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
0  cards
To learn about the Identity and Access Management service on GCP (know the difference between regular and Federated, know what quotas are)
1  cards
Networking on GCP
To learn networking on GCP
3  cards
Stackdriver on GCP
To learn Stackdriver on GCP
1  cards
Google Cloud Platform (GCP) General Information
General Information for the GCP Certification exam
103  cards

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google cloud platform certified associate engineer copy

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