This class was created by Brainscape user Louise Emerson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (27)

What is serum,
What is the liquid in blood,
What is haematopoiesis
201  cards
Physiology and Biochemistry Basics
Why does a rbc not have a nucleus,
What cellular organelles do rbcs ...,
How does the high hb concentratio...
49  cards
Microcytic anaemia
What is anaemia,
How is total red cell mass measured,
What are the hb levels that sugge...
43  cards
Macrocytosis and Macrocytic anaemia
What is a macrocytic anaemia,
What are the units for mcv,
What will mcv be like in macrocyt...
41  cards
Blood Transfusion
What needs to be check to ensure ...,
What is ffp,
How long are rbcs stored for
91  cards
What is the role of the globin ch...,
What are the major forms of haemo...,
What genes control the globin cha...
32  cards
Anaemia Treatments IN EXAM
What makes an anaemia microcytic ...,
What causes microcytic anaemias,
Why do you get anaemia in iron de...
37  cards
Paediatric Anaemia
What are the causes of iron defic...,
What is the treatment for iron de...,
What does microcytic anaemia with...
33  cards
What is haemolysis,
What is compensated haemolysis,
What is haemolytic anaemia
44  cards
What are the roles of iron,
What is iron present in,
Why is iron dangerous
44  cards
Haemostasis Intro
What is haemostasis,
What does haemostasis need to be,
What constitutes primary homeostasis
35  cards
What is shock,
How do you calculate mean arteria...,
How can you measure perfusion
37  cards
Massive Haemorrhage
What is a massive haemorrhage,
How long till blood sample gets t...,
What urgent blood tests should be...
23  cards
Bleeding Disorders
What is primary haemostasis,
What is secondary haemostasis,
Failure of what aspects of haemos...
56  cards
Venous Thrombosis
What are common arterial thrombot...,
What are common venous thrombotic...,
What side of heart to dvts go to ...
40  cards
Anticoagulant Drugs
What are the types of anticoagula...,
Why do you need to monitor hepari...,
What drugs for arterial thrombosis
61  cards
Anti Platelet drugs
What causes artterial thrombosis,
How do platelets aggregate,
What type of thrombus in aterial ...
21  cards
What is haemopoiesis,
What are the types of white cells,
Do either red cells erythrocytes ...
37  cards
The Lymphoid System
Where are haematopoietic stem cel...,
Where are b cells matured,
Where are t cells matured
43  cards
Malignant Haematology
Why do you determine non lymphoid...,
How do you identify normal progen...,
What characterises malignant haem...
41  cards
Lymphadenopathy and Lymphoma
What can cause lymphadenopathy,
What can cause night sweats,
What usually causes regional lymp...
31  cards
What is pancytopenia,
What cells are affected most in p...,
Is pancytopenia a diagnosis
30  cards
Myeloma and Plasma Cell Dyscrasias
What is the role of the b cells,
What are immunoglobulins,
What is the variable region of an...
49  cards
Treatment for Blood Cancers
How does chemo and radiotherapy work,
What do mutations in p53 mean see...,
Why do you try to use a lower dos...
35  cards
Cytotoxic Chemotherapy
What are the options when a cance...,
What are the stages of the cell c...,
What are the types of cytotoxic d...
22  cards
Heam week 3
What increases lymphocytes,
What can increase neutrophils,
What can decrease neutrophils
206  cards
Myeloproliferative Neoplasms
Are myeloproliferative disorders ...,
What is the difference between po...,
What does myelo mean
40  cards

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