het4 190401 clutch/ driveline/ transmission

This class was created by Brainscape user Matt Lundle. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

401a Clutch Fundamentals and Service (On-Road)
Spring loaded clutches may be pus...,
Identify three 3 methods used to ...,
Identify two 2 main types of flyw...
24  cards
401b Driveline Fundamentals and Service
Identify three 3 functions of a d...,
A basic driveline configuration h...,
When two driveline assemblies are...
18  cards
401c Gearing Principles
Gear teeth may be parallel to one...,
A gear tooth can be sub divided i...,
The gear pitch line is used to di...
15  cards
401dA Transmission Fundamentals - Part A
The function of a transmission is...,
The formula for determining gear ...,
The engine transmission and other...
20  cards
401dB Transmission Fundamentals - Part B
In most twin countershaft transmi...,
The auxiliary drive gear receives...,
The auxiliary section uses the sy...
25  cards
401fA Transmission Service - Part A
Explain the procedure to correctl...,
Premature input shaft bearing fai...,
Leaking output shaft seals worn o...
18  cards
401e Transmission Shifting
An auxiliary section that only ha...,
An auxiliary section that only ha...,
Combinations of range splitter an...
29  cards
401fB Transmission Service - Part B
The transmission is often difficu...,
Identify the conditions that must...,
When conducting air pressure test...
9  cards
401g Transfer Case and Auxiliary Drives
On a short wheel based vehicle wh...,
State the function of the transfe...,
What type of lubrication do trans...
23  cards
401h Drive Axle Assembly Fundamentals (On-Road)
List the four 4 functions of the ...,
The weight rating that refers to ...,
The gross combination weight rati...
29  cards
401i Drive Axle Assembly Service (On-Road)
When selecting particular gear oi...,
When should a standpipe be instal...,
Housing joint leaks are generally...
27  cards

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het4 190401 clutch/ driveline/ transmission

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