This class was created by Brainscape user daria dzieza. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (23)

1.1 - The structure of DNA
What is a nucleotide made out of,
What makes up the sugar phosphate...,
What is the base pairing rule
13  cards
1.2 - Replication of DNA
What 2 factors are needed for the...,
What enzyme replicates dna,
What is a primer
18  cards
1.3 - Gene Expression
What are the 3 types of rna,
What processes does gene expressi...,
Describe 3 structural differences...
22  cards
1.4 - Cellular Differentiation
What is cellular differentiation,
What does cellular differentiatio...,
What is a meristem
8  cards
1.5 - The Structure of the Genome
What is the genome of an organism,
What is the genome made up of,
What are dna sequences that code ...
6  cards
1.6 - Mutations
What is a mutation,
What are examples of single gene ...,
What can nucleotide substitutions...
15  cards
1.7 - Evolution
What is evolution,
What is natural selection,
What happens as a result of chang...
14  cards
1.8 - Genomic Sequencing
What is genomic sequencing used for,
What are required to compare sequ...,
What is phylogenetics
9  cards
2.1 - Metabolic Pathways
What are metabolic pathways,
What are the 3 types of steps a m...,
What is an anabolic reaction
10  cards
2.2 - Cellular Respiration
0  cards
2.3 - Metabolic Rate
0  cards
2.4 - Metabolism in conformers and regulators
0  cards
2.5 - Metabolism and adverse conditions
0  cards
2.6 - Environmental control of metabolism
0  cards
Genetic control of metabolism
0  cards
3.1 - Food supply, plant growth and productivity
0  cards
3.2 - Plant and animal breeding
0  cards
3.3 - Crop Production
0  cards
3.4 - Animal Welfare
0  cards
3.5 - Symbiosis
0  cards
3.6 - Social Behaviour
0  cards
3.7 - Components and biodiversity
0  cards
3.8 - Threats to biodiversity
0  cards

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higher biology

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Looking for something else?

AP® Biology
  • 13 decks
  • 745 flashcards
  • 48,664 learners
Decks: Evolution, Dna Rna And Protein, Cell Structure, And more!
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