higher human biology

This class was created by Brainscape user Luke Dede. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (24)

Unit 1- Division & Differentiation
What is a somatic cell,
What is a germline cell,
Decribe the diploid chromosome co...
11  cards
Unit 1- Structure And Replication of DNA
Describe a nucleotide,
Describe the sugar phosphate back...,
Describe the structure of dna sug...
8  cards
Unit 1- Gene Expression And Protein Synthesis
What are the three types of rna,
What is the function of trna,
What is the function of mrna
11  cards
Unit 1- Mutations
What is a mutation,
What is a single gene mutation,
What are the three single gene mu...
17  cards
Unit 1- Genomics
What is the genome,
Describe genomic sequencing,
What is bioinformatics
5  cards
Unit 1- Metabolic Pathways
Describe an anabolic pathway,
Describe a catabolic pathway,
Define cell metabolism
13  cards
Unit 1- Cellular Respiration
Describe the energy in the format...,
Describe phosphorylation,
What are the 3 stages of aerobic ...
9  cards
Unit 1- Energy Systems
What is lactate metabolism,
Describe the conversion of glucos...,
Describe how an oxygen debt forms
6  cards
Unit 2- Gametes
What are sperm,
What is produced in the interstit...,
What maintains mobility of sperm
4  cards
Unit 2- Hormonal Control
How long does the menstrual cycle...,
What day does ovulation occur,
What hormones are secreted from t...
6  cards
Unit 2- Controlling Fertility
What indicates the fertile period,
How can infertility be treated st...,
Describe artificial insemination
9  cards
Unit 2- Antenatal & Postnatal Screening
Describe ultrasound scans,
Describe a dating scan,
Describe an anomaly scan
15  cards
Unit 2- Blood Vessels
What is heart rate,
What is stroke volume,
What is cardiac output
9  cards
Unit 2- The Heart
Describe the cardiac cycle,
What causes the sound of the hear...,
What is systole
12  cards
Unit 2- Cardiovascular Disease
Describe the process of atheroscl...,
Describe thrombosis,
Describe peripheral vascular disease
12  cards
Unit 2- Blood Glucose
Describe glucose concentrations d...,
Describe how chromic elevation of...,
Describe type 1 diabetes
9  cards
Unit 3- Nervous system and pathways
What are the 2 types of nervous s...,
What is the cns,
What is the peripheral nervous sy...
14  cards
Unit 3- Cerebral Cortex
What is the cerebral cortex,
What does the cerebral cortex con...,
What are association areas involv...
8  cards
Unit 3- Memory
What are memories,
What does memory involve,
What is encoding
12  cards
Unit 3- Nervous System And Synapses
What does a neuron consist of,
Describe the function of the myel...,
What is myelination
26  cards
Unit 3- Non Specific Defenses
What is a pathogen,
Describe physical defences,
Describe chemical defences
6  cards
Unit 3- Defense Against Pathogens
What are antigens,
Describe a t lymphocyte,
Describe a b lymphocyte
9  cards
Unit 3- Immunisation
What antigens are used in vaccines,
What is an adjuvant,
What is herd immunity
5  cards
Unit 3- Clinical Trials
Describe a double blind trial
1  cards

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higher human biology

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