This class was created by Brainscape user Zara Brown-Guhli. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

COLD WAR; Reasons for the cold war
What was the difference in ideolo...,
What was capitalism,
What was communism
8  cards
COLD WAR ; the conferences: 1943 - 1945
What was the first conference,
When was the tehran conference,
Who was present at the tehran con...
29  cards
COLD WAR; grand alliance deteriorates 1945 -46
When did america explode the firs...,
Where did america explode the ato...,
When was the second bomb tested
8  cards
COLD WAR; the telegrams 1946
What is a telegram,
Why did america and the ussr send...,
What did they organise
14  cards
COLD WAR; expansion of the soviet union 1944-48
Why did stalin feel that he could...,
What did he do to control the cou...,
How did truman see the expansion
7  cards
COLD WAR ; the doctrines and the developments
What did the british government a...,
When did truman deliver a speech ...,
What was the truman doctrine
18  cards
COLD WAR ; the berlin crisis 1948
At potsdam what did the grand all...,
In 1945 how was germany split,
In 1945 how was berlin split
30  cards
COLD WAR ; arms race 1945 - 1957
What year did america develop the...,
What year did the soviet union de...,
What year did the usa develop the...
11  cards
COLD WAR ; hungarian uprising 1956
Why were people complaining in hu...,
What happened in october in budapest,
What was khrushchevs response to ...
14  cards
COLD WAR ; berlin 1958-61
What was the standard of living i...,
What was the standard of living i...,
When was khrushchevs ultimatum pu...
7  cards
COLD WAR ; the summit meetings 1959-61
When was the geneva meeting,
Where was the geneva meeting,
What happened at the geneva meeting
21  cards
COLD WAR ; berlin wall 1961
On one day in august 1961 how man...,
What happened on the 12th august ...,
How long was the berlin wall
7  cards

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