history- road to war

This class was created by Brainscape user Pablo Trénor. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

Dates for LoN Disputes and Pacts
When was the kellog briand pact,
Locarno treaties,
Washington conference
11  cards
Road To War Chronology
Gd starts,
Japan conquers manchuria,
World disarmament conference
26  cards
Nazi-Soviet Pact
Stalins concerns of hitler,
Stalins concerns about the ger army,
Stalins concerns about appeasemen...
7  cards
Invasion Of Czechoslovakia
When did hitler invade,
Why was he successful,
What happened to appeasement
5  cards
Political reasons for appeasement,
Political reasons against appease...,
Economic reasons for appeasement
10  cards
The Sudetenland
Reasons why hitler wanted it,
What were the worries in czechosl...,
First meeting of chamb with hitler
5  cards
Why was hitler supported by some ...,
What happened in aus 1934,
Mussolini s attitude change towar...
8  cards
Empire Of The Sun- Japan
Aim of jap foreign policy,
Timeline of jap aggression,
How did jap extend influence from...
8  cards
The Axis
Why was it agreed and what where ...,
Why was anti comintern pact agreed,
Why when was axis alliance agreed
4  cards
The Spanish Civil War
French interest in the war
16  cards
Rise of Hitler
Hitler s plans,
What did hitler do in 1933,
What did hitler do in 1934
12  cards
German Rearmament
What happened in 1933,
What happened in 1934,
What happened in 1935
7  cards
Hitler's Foreign Policy 1935-36
Saar plebiscite since when and wh...,
Saar plebiscite what did lon and ...,
Saar plebiscite when was the pleb...
16  cards
The Great Depression
What happened in the usa due to t...,
What did the usa do due to the gr...,
What happened in britain to the g...
12  cards
The Manchurian Crisis
The south manchurian railway 1931,
What did japan do after the mukde...,
What happened when china appealed...
12  cards
Failure Of Disarmament
Give some background information ...,
What were the successes,
What were the failures of the con...
14  cards
Abyssinian Crisis
What were the origins,
What happened when at the wal wal...,
What happened between jan and oct...
20  cards

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history- road to war

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