This class was created by Brainscape user Jenny Shen. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

Weimar Republic (1918-1929)
What was the impactg of the treat...
16  cards
Early Years Of The Nazi Party
Hitler and the nazis 1920,
Early years of the nazi party 1921,
Hitler and the nazis 1919
3  cards
Liberal Reforms: Poverty, living and working conditions at the end of the 18th Century/ start of the 19th Century
How many people lived under the p...,
Why did 1 3 of the population liv...,
What other trades were poorly paid
4  cards
Liberal Reforms: Findings of Booth, Galt, Rowntree
Who was charles booth,
Why was he interested in investig...,
What did he believe about the sta...
20  cards
Liberal Reforms: Why the Liberal introduced reforms
The social reformers rowntree,
Political rivalry,
Boer war
7  cards
Liberal Reforms: The Liberal Reforms passes (Old, Young, Workers, Unemployed)
What was passed in 1906,
What was passed in 1907,
What was passed in 1908
12  cards
Liberal Reforms: Reaction to the reforms
0  cards
Germany: 1918-1922
The weimar constitution was a dem...,
Under what terms did the allies o...,
What happened in kiel
18  cards
Germany: 1923 Year of Crisis
Ruhr crisis,
Beer hall putsch
4  cards
Germany: Weimar 1924-1929
0  cards
The Weimar Republic under Stresemann – 1923-9 (to what extent did it recover from the problems of 1923?)
Foreign policy league of nations ...,
Foreign policy locarno 1925,
Culture bauhaus and wandervogel
6  cards
Wall Street Crash and the Depression
Impact on germany and how this wa...,
Unemployment by 1932 6million peo...
2  cards
The Nazi Party
25 point programme methods and ideas,
Changes after the beer hall putsc...,
7  cards
How Hitler became Chancellor in 1933?
Role of depression,
Von hindenburg
6  cards
Hitler’s consolidation of power
Reichstag fire 1933,
Enabling act 1933 and emergency p...,
Night of the long knives 1934
5  cards
Controls of Nazi Germany
Removal of opposition,
7  cards
What was controlled why what was ...,
Events nuremburg rallies and berl...,
Role of media
5  cards

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history gcse

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