history superpowers

This class was created by Brainscape user Poo Poo. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (29)

The Three conferences
What was the grand alliance,
What and when was the tehran conf...,
What and when was the yalta confe...
4  cards
The end of the grand alliance
What was roosevelt a key figure i...,
How were tensions increased betwe...,
When did germany surrender
3  cards
The breakdown of trust/ Telegrams
What was the communist view,
What was the capitalist view,
What was the long telegram
5  cards
Satellite states
What happened to the things said ...,
What happened once the communists...,
How did bulgaria become communist
7  cards
Truman doctorine and Marshall plan
What were trumans concerns,
What was the truman doctrine,
What was the marshallplan
3  cards
Soviet control in Hungary
What was the impact of soviet rul...,
What was destalination,
What happened in october 1956
4  cards
Cominform Comecon and Nato
What was cominform,
What did cominform do,
What was comecon
6  cards
Germany and the cold war
Why did britain and usa join thei...,
Why did stalin not like the forma...,
Eastern germany
9  cards
The arms race and the Warsaw Pact
What was the nuclear arms race like,
What was the significance of the ...,
What was the significace of the w...
5  cards
The Soviet Invasion of Hungary 1956
Why did khrushchev disapprove of ...,
When did khrushchev send 200 000 ...,
What were the consequences of the...
4  cards
A divided Berlin
Why did some germans in east germ...,
What was the refugee problem in b...,
What was khrushchevs berlin ultam...
7  cards
The Cuban Missile crisis
What happened 1959 cuba,
What did the cia tell kennedy
5  cards
Czechoslovakia and the Prague spring
What was the impact of soviet rul...,
Who was alexander dubcek,
What was the prague spring
6  cards
The construction of the Berlin Wall
What led to the building of the wall,
How did khrushchev resolve the ma...,
When was the berlin wall built
6  cards
The events of the Cuban Missile Crisis
Why was cuba important for the so...,
4  cards
Brezhnev Doctrine
What was brezhnevs response to du...,
When did the soviet union invade ...,
What happened in august 1968
7  cards
The Berlin wall and US-SOviet relations
What was the impact of the wall,
Iron curtain divides east and west
2  cards
What were the consequences of the CUBAN MISSILE CRISSIS
Short termm consequences of the c...,
What were the long term consequen...,
What was detente
4  cards
International reactions to soviet measures in Czechoslovakia
What was the impact on the west,
What did the west call the invasion,
What was the impact on communist ...
4  cards
Detente in the 1970s
What was the detente,
What was salt 1 strategic arms li...,
How effective was salt 1
7  cards
The significance of the fall of the soviet union
What was the significance of the ...,
When did it collapse,
3  cards
SALT 2 and the failure of detente
What was salt 2,
What was the differnve between sa...,
Why did salt 2 fail
4  cards
Changing Attitudes
What did reagan call the soviet u...,
What was the crisis in the soviet...,
5  cards
Gorbachevs new thinking plus the INF treaty
When was gorbachev the leader of ...,
What was gorbachevs new thinking,
What was glasnost
6  cards
The significance of the soviet invasion of Afghanistan
The soviet invasion of afghanistan,
Why was carter worried
12  cards
The loosening soviet grip on Eastern Europe
Why did gorbachev scrap the brezh...,
The breakup of the eastern bloc
2  cards
Reagan and the second cold war
Why was the soviet union in decline,
United states,
Between 1979 1984 why did soviet ...
4  cards
The fall of the Berlin wall
What happened in the summer of 1989,
When could east germans travel to...,
What was the significance of the ...
4  cards
Why did the cold war ened
How did glasnost lead to the end ...,
How did perestroika lead to the e...,
Baltic states
4  cards

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history superpowers

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