This class was created by Brainscape user Chloe Allan. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (10)

Lecture 1 - Health equity as a policy problem
What are the 4 concepts of equity,
What is utilitarianism
11  cards
Lecture 2 - Determinants of health and role of health policy
What are the 3 arguments for how ...,
What is a preston curve,
What are beveridge s 5 giants
10  cards
Lecture 3 - Health planning
Why do we need health planning sy...,
What are some limitations of a ma...,
What are the 3 planning theories
20  cards
Lecture 4 - Priority setting
Why do we need priority setting,
What are the 4 types of priority ...,
What are demand based priority se...
20  cards
Lecture 5 - Politics and Policy Analysis
What are the 3 perspectives on he...,
What makes health policy a politi...,
What are the 3 policy change proc...
12  cards
Lecture 6 - Power and the Policy Process
What are the 3 notions of power,
What are foucalts 2 key concepts ...,
How are repressive and constituti...
17  cards
Lecture 7 - Policy Actors and Governance
Who are the 3 policy actors as pe...,
What are the implications of the ...,
Explain how food corporations inf...
13  cards
Lecture 8 - Ideas, Interests and Institutions
When was the 3i framework created...,
What are ideas,
What are interests
19  cards
Lecture 9 - Agenda Setting and Policy Change
What are some factors that shape ...,
What are policy entrepreneurs,
How can
25  cards
Lecture 10 - Evidence and Policy in Health
What are the 3 models of the rese...,
Explain the rational approach to ...,
Explain the enlightenment model t...
5  cards

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