immunohematology (blood banking) (lecture)

This class was created by Brainscape user Henrie C. Cruz. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (10)

Highlights of Transfusion Medicine History (P)
What is the nationality of willia...,
What did william harvey discovere...,
The discovery of william harvey i...
99  cards
Historical Overview (Harmening 6th ed | Chapter 1 | P)
What happened during 1492,
The occurrence that happened duri...,
After the 1st time a blood transf...
40  cards
Red Cell and Platelet Preservation: Review of Metabolism and Current Trends (Chapter 1 | P)
What are the exs of anticoagulant...,
If acd is used how long can blood...,
If cpd is used how long can blood...
105  cards
Fundamentals of Immunology (P)
What is immunology,
What is the meaning of is,
What is the is
94  cards
Chapter 6: The ABO Blood Group System (P)
What is the most important blood ...,
What is the characteristic of abo...,
What is the result since abs are ...
124  cards
Rh Blood Group System (M)
Rh specific ags reside on what,
Where do abo and hh ags reside,
What is the characteristic of rh ags
130  cards
Hemolytic Disease of the Fetus and Newborn (F)
What is hemolytic disease of the ...,
When does hdn occur,
Among the igg produced by the mot...
71  cards
Hemolytic Disease of the Fetus and Newborn (HDFN | from Harmening [7th ed.] | F)
What is the meaning of hdfn,
What is hdfn,
How did the mother acquired abs r...
415  cards
Transfusion Therapy (from Harmening [7th ed.] | F)
What is transfusion therapy in ge...,
True or falseeach blood component...,
Pts w special conditions requires...
570  cards
Donor Selection (from Harmening [7th ed.] | F)
True or falsethe selection of pot...,
True or falsethe transfusion of b...,
Safety and therapeutic benefit ar...
330  cards

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immunohematology (blood banking) (lecture)

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