intrapartum and obstetric emergencies

This class was created by Brainscape user North Shore. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

Labour pain and anaesthesia
What type of pain predominates th...,
What type of pain predominates th...,
Describe the pain pathway for vis...
40  cards
What is the chance of a successfu...,
What are factors that favour a su...,
What are factors that reduce the ...
23  cards
Instrumental Delivery
Where should the ventouse cup be ...,
What is the failure rate of rigid...,
What is the rate of scalp injurie...
54  cards
Caesarean delivery
Evidenced based cs antibiotics,
Evidenced based cs thromboprophyl...,
Evidenced based cs vaginal prep
13  cards
What is the incidence of term prom,
What is the definition of term prom,
What spontaneous labour follows t...
24  cards
Maternal collapse
What system is recommended to ear...,
Causes of maternal collapse,
Estimated incidence of afe
15  cards
Cord prolapse
Risk of fetal death,
Cause of fetal asphyxia
10  cards
Fetal bradycardia
Definition fetal bradycardia,
Initial management of fetal brady...,
Causes of fetal bradycardia
5  cards
Peripartum hysterectomy
Most common causes
9  cards
Meconium liquor
What are the potential reasons fo...,
Thick versus light mec,
Factors associated with high risk...
5  cards
Slow progress
Maternal risks of slow progress i...,
Fetal risks of slow progress in l...,
Assessment of slow progress
7  cards
Management of 3rd stage and PPH
Physiological 3rd stage,
Active 3rd stage,
Summary of 2013 cochrane review f...
10  cards
Blood transfusion in obstetrics GTG
How can the risk of blood transfu...,
Definition of anaemia in pregnancy,
Initial management of anaemia in ...
9  cards
Retained placenta
Definition of retained placenta,
Risk factors,
6  cards
APH and placental abruption
Define antepartum haemorrhage,
What of pregnancies are affected ...,
What of pregnancies affected by a...
9  cards
Obstetric emergencies including cord prolapse
What of pregnancies does cord pro...,
What of breech presentations does...,
What is the perinatal mortality r...
7  cards
What of fetuses beyond 42 weeks p...,
What the physiological mechanism ...,
List the causes of meconium passage
5  cards
Antenatal risk factors and indica...,
Intrapartum indications for ctg,
Intermittent auscultation vs ctg ...
32  cards

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intrapartum and obstetric emergencies

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