This class was created by Brainscape user Amelia Ennis. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Lecture 2 - types of data
What are 3 main functions of stat...,
When carrying out an experiment w...,
What are the 4 scales of measurem...
7  cards
Lecture 3 - Descriptive statistics
What are descriptive statistics,
What are inferential statistics,
What are the 3 measures of centra...
16  cards
Lecture 5 - Data Visualisation
What makes a good graph,
What must a graph include,
What does a normal distribution l...
17  cards
Lecture 7 - Chi square
When should you use a chi square ...,
What is expected frequency,
What is observed frequency
8  cards
Lecture 9 - Qualitative
What is qualitative research,
What are the methods of analysis,
Why carry out qualitative research
11  cards
Lecture 11 - Cognitive Bias
What is bias,
What are heuristics,
What are the 3 initial heuristics...
14  cards
Lecture 12 - T-tests
What is the research process in p...,
Categorical design,
Experimental design
10  cards
Lecture 14 - Non parametric tests
When do we use non parametric tests,
What is a non parametric test,
What is the aim of parametric tests
7  cards
Lecture 16 - Correlation
What is a correlation,
What graph do you use to represen...,
What does a positive correlation ...
10  cards
Lecture 18 - Lab report writing
6  cards
Practical 1 - Ethics in research
What is ethics,
What are the 4 ethical principles...,
What are the 6 key ethical guidel...
3  cards
Practical 4 - Thematic analysis
What is thematic analysis,
What are the 6 phases of thematic...
2  cards

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