This class was created by Brainscape user Ling Gao. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

What is the aim of your learning ...,
What is the abstract of your lear...,
14  cards
Systematic Desensitisation
How does systematic desensitisati...,
How does willis and edwards suppo...,
How does marks conflict systemati...
7  cards
How does flooding help treat phobias,
What is a strength of flooding wh...,
What is a weakness of flooding et...
7  cards
Key Question
What is the learning key question,
What is the ao1 for your learning...,
How does anorexia impact people
12  cards
What is the aim of becker,
What is the sample of becker,
What is the procedure of becker
11  cards
Social Learning Theory
How does social learning theory e...,
What is vicarious reinforcement,
How does bandura 1961 support soc...
8  cards
Bandura 1961
What is the aim of bandura 1961,
What is the sample of bandura 1961,
What is the procedure of bandura ...
11  cards
Bandura 1963
What is the aim of bandura 1963,
What is the sample of bandura 1963,
What is the procedure of bandura ...
11  cards
Bandura 1965
What is the aim of bandura 1965,
What is the sample of bandura 1965,
What is the procedure of bandura ...
11  cards
Operant Conditioning
What does operant conditioning sa...,
What is positive reinforcement,
What is negative reinforcement
17  cards
Watson and Rayner
What is the aim of watson and rayner,
What is the sample of watson and ...,
What is the procedure of watson a...
12  cards
Classical Conditioning
What is extinction,
What is classical conditioning,
What is an unconditioned stimulus
12  cards

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learning psychology

  • Class purpose General learning

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