learning theories

This class was created by Brainscape user Scarlett Brown. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (23)

observational research
What are naturalistic observations,
What do naturalistic observations...,
What do structured observations i...
28  cards
practical investigation
Practical report title,
Why is this practical investigati...,
What did the department for trans...
29  cards
Pavlov (cc- pack 2)
Who developed classial conditioning,
What procedure was given to the dogs,
What did pavlov hypothesise
11  cards
what are learning theories (pack 2)
What are 4 key assumptions of lea...,
What does tabula rasa mean
2  cards
classical conditioning (pack 2)
What are the 4 stages of cc,
What happens in the first stage o...,
What happens in stage 2 of condit...
14  cards
Watson and Rayner (pack 2)
What 3 things did they set out to...,
Stage 1 of the procedure
16  cards
explanation for the acquisition and maintenance of phobias (pack 2 C.C)
What is a fear,
Why do we have fear responses,
In terms of evolution why was the...
9  cards
systematic desensitisation (pack 2 C.C)
Who developed sd,
How does sd treat a phobia,
What sort of process is it
14  cards
flooding therapy (pack 2 C.C)
Who developed flooding,
What does flooding involve,
What idea does flooding use
9  cards
Capafons contemporary study (pack 2 C.C)
What 4 following materials were used
17  cards
what is operant conditioning (pack 3 O.C)
Who developed oc,
Who did skinner develop the theor...,
General idea of thorndike s research
3  cards
skinners rats (pack 3 OC)
What did skinner want to investigate,
What did skinner show worked by p...,
How did the experiment work with ...
8  cards
main principles of OC (pack 3)
What did skinner believe behaviou...,
What model did skinner propose,
What does abc stand for and what ...
8  cards
token economies (pack 3 OC)
Define token economy,
What is the aim of token economies,
What are the tokens used in such ...
5  cards
evaluation of O.C (pack 3)
8  cards
schedules of reinforcement (pack 2 OC)
What else did skinner study,
What happens if there is no reinf...,
What did skinner propose
14  cards
behaviour modification shaping behaviour (pack 3 OC)
What is behaviour modification,
What is one way of modifying beha...,
What is shaping
7  cards
what is social learning theory (pack 4)
What was bandura curious about th...,
What are the 3 pieces of classic ...
2  cards
transmission of aggression through imitation of aggressive role models (Bandura 1st study)
What 4 hypothesis did the study test,
The method
15  cards
imitation of film mediated aggressive models Bandura (pack 4 2nd study)
Stage 1 modelling 10 mins
12  cards
influence of model's reinforcement contingencies on the acquisition of imitative responses (pack 4 3rd study)
Method and design,
Procedure stage 1
15  cards
developed social learning theory (pack 4)
What is the main essence of slt,
What is,
What does this observation learni...
21  cards
key question: (pack 5)
What is the key question,
What is fear of flying known as,
How many people have a fear in fl...
13  cards

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learning theories

  • Class purpose General learning

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