This class was created by Brainscape user Alexander Fransson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (10)

How are organizations typically s...,
What are the two purposes of orga...,
How can you use many controdictor...
17  cards
The Structural framework (Basic)
What principles characterizes max...,
What are the assumptions of the s...,
What is system efficiency
26  cards
The structural framework (Advanced)
Explain greiner s theory of corpo...,
Explain greniners growth phases,
Explain phase 1 of grainers growt...
29  cards
The HR framework (Basic)
What is the background to the dev...,
What is the hawthorne effect,
What are the basic assumptions of...
23  cards
The HR framework (Advanced)
What is the sdt model an acronym ...,
The sdt framework does not assume...,
Name the three subsets of intrins...
47  cards
The Power Framework (Basic)
What are stakeholders in the powe...,
What are power processes in the p...,
What are the historical origins o...
36  cards
Power Framework (Advanced)
What are the two most common inte...,
What effects did kanter observe o...,
What is a token in kanters struct...
26  cards
Symbolic framework (Basic)
According to the structural frame...,
What are the basic assumptions of...,
What is culture according to schein
26  cards
Symbolic Framework (Advanced)
Name weicks seven properties of s...,
What does it mean that sens makin...,
What does it mean that sense making
19  cards
Case Insights
Should you only focuse on the pro...,
According to the structural frame...,
How does the hr and structural fr...
14  cards

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