marine engineering class 3

This class was created by Brainscape user Andy Gilliland. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

What water treatment do we use,
What ph level in the boiler shoul...,
What ph level should we have in t...
13  cards
Confined Space
What is the atmosphere testing we...,
The procedure of entry a confined...,
Confined space drills how often
5  cards
What is the standard for ozone de...,
Symptoms of an under charged refr...,
Remedies for an under charged ref...
18  cards
Yirumba survey classes,
3512 jacket water flow,
Emergency electrical installation...
5  cards
When do we need cladding for hot ...,
What are 5 things required by nsc...,
Identify the starting arrangement...
27  cards
Steering drills,
Confined space,
11  cards
Regulations And Standards
What regulations relate to marine,
What are the standards relating t...
7  cards
Oral steam questions
Describe a gauge glass and its sa...,
Blowdown a gauge glass,
When you open the water cock to p...
40  cards
Oral engine questions
How does an oil mist oil mist exp...,
Action on oil mist detector alarm,
How do you inspect the engine aft...
13  cards
Oral Air Compressor questions
Identify the safety features from...,
What is the cause of an airline e...,
The compressor suction filter is ...
9  cards
Oral Fire questions
How do you prevent minimise the r...,
You have an engine room fire and ...,
Procedure for dumping co2
10  cards
Oral Pumping system questions
What information do you put in th...,
Identify the operating parameters...,
The oily water separator is unser...
17  cards
Oral Electrical questions
Explain how you would parallel tw...,
What is the frequency of the inco...,
A crew member advises you that an...
26  cards
Oral National Law questions
What is in the sms,
What is in the certificate of ope...,
Where does the certificate of ope...
7  cards
Confined space oral questions
What does a confined space gas de...,
What specific ppe would a person ...,
Discuss how you would do manage a...
13  cards
Oral general questions
How to you carry out a job on som...,
What would you do with a new starter
2  cards
Propellers and thrusters; steering gear
Your vessel has grounded what do ...,
Master has instructed you to rest...,
What other things should you chec...
4  cards

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marine engineering class 3

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