materials and engineering for orthopaedic medical devices

This class was created by Brainscape user Serafina De piro. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Lecture 0: Historical background and Introduction
0  cards
Lecture 1: Chemistry introduction
Is there any structural formula for NaCl? Justify your answer.
25  cards
Lecture 2: Solutions
1 define mixture solution solvent...,
2 what differentiates an electrol...,
3 when 1g of nanoparticles of gol...
27  cards
Lecture 3: Ceramics
1 cite some elements no less than...,
2 what is a crystal lattice unit ...,
3 how are the elements distribute...
15  cards
Lecture 4: Metals
1 what is an atomic orbital and w...,
2 when atomic orbitals are combin...,
3 for the creation of molecular b...
9  cards
Lecture 5: Polymers
Iupac definition of polymers,
1 1 explain what an aromatic hydr...,
2 which of the 2 nomenclatures be...
22  cards
Lecture 6: Bone
1 what are the most common hard t...,
2 which elements groups in hydrox...,
3 why can we say that mammals are...
7  cards
Lecture 7: Cells and tissues
1 which one is an animal cell a p...,
2 how you can visualize the detai...,
3 can you see organelles with opt...
18  cards
Lecture 8: Biocompatibility
1 give the definitions of bioiner...,
2 what do r and s phrases mean an...,
3 how does the nfpa work what doe...
12  cards
Lecture 9: Materials characterisation - Synthetic
1 what are the differences betwee...,
2 how is contrast obtained in a tem,
3 what are bright field and dark ...
10  cards
Lecture 10: Materials characterisation - Biological
1 list the necessary requirements...,
2 explain how the negative staini...,
3 how does the immunogold method ...
6  cards
Lecture 11: Medical devices - prostheses
1 what is considered the gold sta...,
2 please cite the most common mat...,
3 focusing on an implant surface ...
11  cards
Lecture 12: Medical devices - Bone replacement
0  cards
Lecture 13: Medical devices - Prosthesis for soft tissue
0  cards
Lecture 16: Legislation
0  cards
Lecture 17: Ethics
0  cards

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materials and engineering for orthopaedic medical devices

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