This class was created by Brainscape user Taryn Kapitain. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

Nucleus and Nuclear Transport
What is the largest organelle,
What is nucleus size determined by,
Do eukaryotes or prokaryotes poss...
137  cards
Brightfield microscopy components,
Main components of brightfield mi...,
How is the image captured with br...
41  cards
Endomembrane System Part 1 - Intro and Methods of Analysis
What do transport vesicles do,
What do vesicle coat proteins do,
What occurs in the biosynthetic p...
52  cards
Endomembrane System Part 1
What is the endoplasmic reticulum...,
What is the er the site of,
What is the er
104  cards
Endomembrane System - ER to Golgi
2 fates of nascent protein in er,
2 fates of nascent proteins that ...,
Where do
55  cards
Endomembrane System Part 2 - Golgi
Who discovered the golgi complex,
Morphology of golgi complex,
What does the number and distribu...
50  cards
Endomembrane System Part 2 - Lysosome
What is the lysosome comparable to,
What is the lysosome,
What is autophagy
36  cards
Endomembrane System Part 2 - Secretory Pathways
2 secretory pathways responsible ...,
Gist of constitutive secretion pa...,
What occurs in constitutive secre...
50  cards
Mitochondria and Chloroplasts - Mitochondria and Endosymbiont Theory
What is endosymbiont theory,
With endosymbiont theory how did ...,
Endosymbiont theory mitochondion
36  cards
Mitochondria and Chloroplasts - Mitochondria Dynamics
What does mitochondrial fusion of...,
What does mitochondrial fusion re...,
What order to the membranes fuse in
44  cards
Mitochondria and Chloroplasts - Chloroplasts
What are chloroplasts,
What are chloroplasts involved in,
How are chloroplasts often highly...
24  cards

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