This class was created by Brainscape user Umar Khan. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (27)

Describe tissue,
Intestinal epithelium histology,
Describe the limit of resolution
7  cards
Infection L1
State the 7 groups of microoganisms,
State an example of a prokaryote
25  cards
Where are genes found,
Where are proteins found,
Describe the dna in the nucleus
9  cards
Musculoskeletal System L1
How many bones does the adult ske...,
Diagram l1,
State the functions of the skelet...
17  cards
State the four fundamental classi...,
What is the gold standard of diag...,
What factors allow doctors to sus...
22  cards
Describe surfaces with epithelial...,
Describe how epithelial cells are...,
Diagram showing the three germ la...
80  cards
Describe the classification of gl...,
Describe the process of merocrine...,
Histology showing how glands can ...
88  cards
State functions of connective tissue,
State two components making up co...,
State the components of the ecm
19  cards
Define haematopoiesis,
Describe the process of haematopo...,
Describe how hormones regulate ma...
70  cards
Describe cartilage and where it i...,
State adaptations of cartilage,
Describe the cellular composition...
57  cards
Describe the composition of bone,
Types of osteogenesis,
Describe endochondral ossification
12  cards
0  cards
State risk factors of cystic fibr...,
Describe the mechanism of disease...,
Defence mechanisms of respiratory...
14  cards
Describe the causes risk factors ...,
Normal res,
Describe haemoglobin function
27  cards
Describe what is meant by central...,
State two examples of nucleic acids,
What is a nucleic acid
21  cards
Describe initiation of dna replic...,
State where new dna synthesis occurs,
State dna replication machinery a...
4  cards
Tissues of the body L1.1
Define histology,
State the 4 fundamental tissue types,
Define tissue
32  cards
Tissues of the body L1.2
Relative sizes of human cells,
Limit of resolution,
Light microscopy vs tem vs sem
26  cards
Metabolism L1.1
Describe metabolism,
Describe the different pathways i...,
Define catabolism
45  cards
Metabolism L1.2
State the role of homeostasis,
Describe body fluid homeostasis,
Describe uses of blood
26  cards
Metabolism 2.1
State the 2 types of pathways inv...,
State the role of catabolism,
Describe stage 1 catabolism
55  cards
CSFC L3 Vital Signs
State vital signs
1  cards
Tissues of the Body L2.2
Define the term gland,
Describe the classification of gl...,
State an example of a mixed gland...
56  cards
Metabolism 2.2
State intermediates of glycolysis,
State uses of 1 3 bisphosphoglyce...,
State uses of dhap
36  cards
Metabolism L3.1
Diagram showing overview of catab...,
State location of glycolysis,
Describe the end of stage 2 catab...
45  cards
Metabolism 3.2
State why lipids release more ene...,
State why complete oxidation of l...,
State 3 classes of lipids
27  cards
Tissues of the Body 2.1
State functions of epithelia,
State examples of surface epithelia,
Basement membrane understanding
16  cards

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med 2024-2028

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