medicine, year 3, cardiovascular and respiratory medicine

This class was created by Brainscape user Ruksana Begum. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

Acute Coronary Syndrome, Angina
What is the description of chest ...,
What are the ecg changes visualis...,
When does troponin initially rise...
41  cards
High Risk of Cardiovascular Disease
What is the mechanism of action o...,
What is the main side effect of s...,
Statins cause ___ impairment what...
15  cards
Arrhythmia and AF
When is external cardiac pacing u...,
What are some adverse signs assoc...,
What is bradycardia defined as
49  cards
Heart Failure
What is the equation for cardiac ...,
What is the equation for stroke v...,
What is the equation for ejection...
30  cards
What is the nice definition of st...,
What is the nice definition of st...,
When do you decide to treat stage...
22  cards
Valvular Heart Disease
What is the name given to the ass...,
What are the major and minor crit...,
What criteria for dukes must be s...
55  cards
What is bronchiectasis defined as,
What is the most common risk fact...,
What are the two most common symp...
36  cards
Airways Disease
What type of hypersensitivity rea...,
What is atopy,
Polymorphisms in which gene is as...
24  cards
Pulmonary Embolism
What are the three components of ...,
Why is ctpa contraindicated in re...,
What might be found on x ray in p...
8  cards
Pneumonia and Tuberculosis
How does a ghon complex form from...,
How does a ranke complex form fro...,
What type of hypersensitivity rea...
30  cards
Interstitial Lung Disease
Which pneumocytes produce surfact...,
State 4 obstructive respiratory d...,
State 4 restrictive respiratory d...
37  cards
Obstructive Sleep Apnoea
What are the two types of sleep a...,
Give examples of obstructive caus...,
What are symptoms of sleep apnoea
7  cards
Lung Cancer
What are the two main groupings o...,
Which of the five types of cancer...,
What are common sites of metastas...
34  cards
What are two side effects of ace ...,
What is the effect of ace inhibit...,
Why are ace inhibitors first time...
46  cards
1 what is an aortic dissection pa...,
1 what is an abdominal aortic ane...,
Peripheral arterial disease1 what...
3  cards
1 what is buergers disease also k...
1  cards
Pericarditis + Tamponade
1 what are the symptoms of acute ...,
1 what signs you find on constric...,
Cardiac tamponade1 what is cardia...
4  cards
Warfarin1 what is the moa of warf...,
Management of high inr1 how do yo...
2  cards
Sarcoidosis1 what is it 2 what ar...
1  cards

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medicine, year 3, cardiovascular and respiratory medicine

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