microbes, humankind and the environment

This class was created by Brainscape user kirti :3. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

1: Origin of Life
What was initial atmosphere made ...,
When did earth cool enough to all...,
Why sedimentary rock used as indi...
22  cards
Mod 2 L3 - bacterial sturcture
Coccus diameter,
What are spirochetes
17  cards
Mod 2 Lec 4: Bact cell surface structure (Gram -ve)
Where is lipopolysaccharide,
Name the 3 compnents of lipopolys...,
Where are porins located
16  cards
Mod 2 Lec 4.2 flagella
What is flagella subunit made of,
What system provides energy for f...,
5 types of arrangement of flagella
17  cards
Mod 2 Lec 5 - growth kinetics
What key things do bact need to grow,
Name of ring that triggers division,
What type of bacteria is mreb pre...
18  cards
Lecture 6 - Viruses
What type of genomes can viruses ...,
Size range of a virus,
Name of the spikey things on outs...
27  cards
Lecture 7 - Fungal structure and growth
What type of metabolism do fungi ...,
What type of organism is fungi,
28  cards
Lecture 8 - Microbiota
What are commensals and how many ...,
What is the microbiome,
How big is the skin
23  cards
Lecture 9 - Pathogenicity of bacteria
What type of bacteria is pseudomo...,
What effects can staphylococcus e...,
Why is sepidermis on a catheter a...
22  cards
Lecture 10 - exotoxins & endotoxins
3 types of exotoxins,
Where do enterotoxins work,
Where do cytotoxins work
23  cards
Lecture 11 - Viruses & diseases
What are the morphogical division...,
What is transmission by inoculation,
What is iatrogenic transmission
29  cards
Lecture 12 - Insect plant pathogens
Biggest cause of crop loss,
What are the 2 other major cuases...,
Disease triagnle what 3 things mu...
29  cards
Lecture 13 - GM crops
Even if co2 emmisions drop what a...,
Definition of genetic engineering...,
Def of gmo
23  cards
Lecture 14 - insecticides and herbicides
What lead to recent decrease in p...,
Where bt found first,
What is the bt toxin
22  cards
Lecture 15 - microbes and food
Which bacteria added to milk in c...,
What does renin contain,
What does rennet do
30  cards
Lecture 16 - waste water and seqage treatment
What is the main thing that needs...,
What is bod,
What is the max bod figure by law
21  cards
Lecture 17 - carbon stuff
What is used as a source for phos...,
What are face experiments,
What are common results of face e...
19  cards
Lecture 18 - nitrogen fixation stuff
What is a lichen,
What do both components of the li...,
How might lichens act as indiactors
23  cards
Lecture 20 - epidimiology
What is an endemic,
What is an epidemic,
26  cards
Lecture 19 - microbial associations w/ higher oragnisms
What are the 3 types of symbiosis,
What does cordyceps fungi do to ant,
What is relationship between spri...
7  cards
Lecture 21 - antibiotics
What bacteria caused black death,
What does magic bullet refer to,
What was the first drug developed...
37  cards
Lecture 22 - antibiotic resistance
What is prophylatic trearment,
What is campylobacter jejuni,
What is campylobacter jejuni
18  cards

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microbes, humankind and the environment

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