multicellular organisms

This class was created by Brainscape user Esra Elbedwi. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

Producing new cells
What does mitosis do,
Step em cells can be,
Structure and function of palisad...
38  cards
Transport systems plants
What are the plant organs,
A leaf structure diagram contains,
What are the xylem vessels and wh...
23  cards
Absorption Of Materials
What waste materials need to be r...,
What is a capillaries function
16  cards
Which cells are are haploid,
Which cells are diploid,
Wha t is the name of the sex cell...
16  cards
Transport Systems - Animals
What is blood made up of,
What is the function of the red b...,
What is the oxygen saturated haem...
30  cards
Variation And Inheritance
What is a gene,
What does p f1 f2 mean,
What is a phenotype
21  cards
Control and Communications
What an be a response to a stimulus,
The nervous system consists of,
What are three structures of the ...
26  cards
Cell Structure
What are cells,
What are all living things compos...,
What is the name given to an orga...
23  cards
Cell Transport
What is meant when we state the c...,
What does the cell membrane consi...,
What can be the results of placin...
28  cards
DNA & Proteins
What are chromosomes,
Describe the structure of dna,
What are the base pairs described as
25  cards
Genetic Engineering
What is genetic engineering,
Give an example of genetic engine...,
What is the first stage of geneti...
10  cards
What does a catalyst do,
Since catalysts remain unchanged ...,
What is a biological catalyst als...
38  cards
Problem Solving & Exam Technique
How do you calculate a percentage...,
If the question asks what is the ...,
If the question asks calculate th...
21  cards
Transport Systems - Animals
Name the 3 main components of blood,
What is the function of red blood...,
State 4 ways that red blood cells...
33  cards
Transport Systems - Plants
Where does water enter a plant,
Name the vessel that transports w...,
In which cells does most photosyn...
18  cards
Absorption of Materials
State 2 things a cell requires fo...,
Name a waste material produced by...,
What 3 things do the surfaces tha...
11  cards
Variation & Inheritance
Name the two types of variation,
How many genes control discrete v...,
How many genes control continuous...
20  cards
Control & Communication
Name the 2 parts of the central n...,
What 2 things does the nervous sy...,
Name the part of the brain that c...
29  cards
What are enzymes made of,
What are proteins made of,
What makes one protein different ...
20  cards
What must always be present for f...,
Examples of cellular activities t...,
What is atp made up of
23  cards
German writing
First bullet pointname age where ...,
Capital letters in first bullet p...,
Second bullet pointschool i go to...
12  cards

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multicellular organisms

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