network and cloud forensics

This class was created by Brainscape user M H. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

By: M H

Decks in this class (6)

Module 2 - Network and Internet Resources
Identify components that can be interrogated for network-based forensics compare the two different types of network trafic / analysis/capture evaluate the placement of network packet capture devices on a network explain inherent forensic value of network devices versus servers/workstations
13  cards
Module 1 - Intro to Internet and Cloud Forensics
Define cloud-computing Explain differences in current cloud-computing models Compare and contrast different forms of virtualization, including full virtualization, paravirtualization, and hardware assisted virtualization.
20  cards
Module 3 - Analyzing Network Traffic
Install Wireshark on a computer Analyze a network packet capture Recover files from a network packet capture
21  cards
Module 4 - More Network Traffic Analysis and Other Artifacts
Analyze a network packet capture Differentiate between noise in a packet capture and data of interest Identify artifacts associated with a virtual environment hosted locally on a Windows system Identify artifacts associated with a cloud-based VM Characterize the importance of the files associated with a VM
8  cards
Module 5 - Volatile Data
Analyze a memory file from a virtual machine Identify current tools associated with examining memory, including a description of the strengths and weaknesses Examine the basic operations of volatility
14  cards
Module 6 - Usefulness in Investigations - Virtualized Environments
Identify principle ways that virtualization helps forensics
5  cards

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network and cloud forensics

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