neuro dev/control ii

This class was created by Brainscape user Haley Highsmith. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

Intro to Vestibular Exam
What does titrate stand for,
Describe triage,
Safe to go features for triggered...
55  cards
Peripheral Vestibular Hypofunction
Define unilateral and bilateral h...,
Causes of acute unilateral vestib...,
What is the most common cause of ...
49  cards
Evaluation & Treatment of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)
Describe the ampulla,
Describe the cupula,
Describe direction of cupular def...
62  cards
Cervicogenic Dizziness/Concussion
Treatment for cervicogenic dizziness,
Tests for cervicogenic dizziness,
Describe cervical joint position ...
23  cards
Persistent Postural Perceptual Dizziness (3PD)
Fnd spectrum of disorders,
What is 3pd,
Pathophysiologic processes in the...
22  cards
Functional Neurological Disorders
Describe organic ataxia versus no...,
Describe functional gait,
Describe antalgic functional gait...
34  cards
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Describe the als functional ratin...,
Describe als,
Characteristics of als
50  cards
Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Describe the presentation of ms,
What is a sig of ms when looking ...,
Describe ms
51  cards
Current Perspectives on Pain Management
Multiple factors influence how pa...,
How is modern medications dealing...,
Fentanyl in relationship to morphine
60  cards
Geriatrics I
Define gerontology,
Define geriatrics,
While greater life expectancy is ...
72  cards
Geriatrics II
Changes in connective tissue due ...,
Changes in chondroid structures d...,
Changes in fibrous structures due...
51  cards
What is included in the autonomic...,
What are the functions of the aut...,
The anatomical distinction betwee...
52  cards
Parkinson's Disease Evaluation Part I
Describe stage i of pd,
Describe stage ii,
Describe stage iii
57  cards
Parkinson's Disease Evidence Based Interventions Part II
Skilled exercise that entails per...,
What global factors may be activa...,
Pts should implement moderate to ...
60  cards
Spinal Cord Injury
Describe an upper motor neuron in...,
Describe a lower motor neuron injury,
Many individuals with scis have s...
34  cards
Spinal Cord Injury ASIA Scale
Expectations for all levels of sci,
What asia scale grading level doe...,
Describe the predictions for func...
5  cards
Spinal Cord Injury Exercise & STOMPS
What is the impact of chronic sit...,
Define heart rate,
Define contractility
37  cards
Spinal Cord Wheelchair Prescription
Goals of a therapist when fitting...,
What is dme,
What is crt
22  cards
Incomplete SCI & Recovery of Ambulation
Describe homeostatic plasticity,
How can we prime the central nerv...,
Describe gating
14  cards

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neuro dev/control ii

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