This class was created by Brainscape user Lucía Costa Azqueta. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

Introduction Class
22 year old patient male since tw...,
A woman has had a movement presen...,
What questions do we have to make...
32  cards
Peripheral Nervous System
Can you make a diagnosis only and...,
Motor neuron peripheral systems s...,
Sensitive peripheral nervous syst...
10  cards
Meninges, ventricular system and CSF circulation
What are the meninges,
Meninges are attached to the cocc...,
63  cards
Spinal Cord
Anterior neuropore forms,
Initial closure of neural tube st...,
Posterior neuropore forms after
48  cards
Bundles of axons mielinated in th...,
Pathways or tracts in the brainstem,
To make relay means to
111  cards
A patient is not noticing tempera...,
Side and level of the injury,
Side and level of injury related to
5  cards
Hypothalamus 3rd ventricle,
Name each part of the diencephalon
49  cards
What does the patient have anadir...,
Superior inferior medial and late...,
Which of the cranial nerves is in...
5  cards
Name the following parts of the b...
24  cards
The diencephalon comes from the,
El diencefalo da lugar a 3,
Secondary prosencephalon forms the
50  cards
Somatosensory System
Somatosensory system includes sen...,
Receptors in somatosensory system,
Anterolateral system detects
66  cards
Somatosensory System II
Origen del lemnisco medial,
Decussation of dorsal column dc m...,
Reflejo corneal neurona sensitiva...
6  cards
Paciente presenta hemiparesia der...,
Decusacion sistema corticospinal,
Problema en lenguaje se debe a
6  cards
La salud es,
Experiencia sensorial y emocional...,
El proceso neural por el que se t...
9  cards
Olfactory Epithelium
Gland in the olfactory epithelium...,
Olfactory epithelium neurons rege...,
10  cards
Radiology Class
13  cards
Cerebral Cortex
In the cortex we can find deep nu...,
In basal ganglia of deep nuclei w...,
In basal ganglia of deep nuclei w...
58  cards
The orbit and its content,
Layers of the orbit,
Content of the orbit
71  cards

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