This class was created by Brainscape user Melanie Sneddon. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

Learning and Memory
What is an engram,
What is hebbian learning,
What is habituation
25  cards
Cortex of the Brain
Describe outputs from the neocortex,
Where is the primary somatosensor...,
Where is the primary motor area
16  cards
Sensory Pathways 1
What type of information do a alp...,
What type of information do a bet...,
What type of information do a del...
26  cards
Neurohistology and Response to Spinal Cord Injury
How many layers are there in the ...,
How many layers are there in the ...,
What are the three layers of the ...
35  cards
Control of Movement 1
Which type of muscles do lateral ...,
Which type of muscles do medial p...,
Which area of the cns controls th...
20  cards
Control of Movement 4
Name the input nuclei of the basa...,
Name the intrinsic nuclei of the ...,
Name the output nuclei of the bas...
31  cards
Control of Movement 3
What is the vestibulocerebellum,
What is the spinocerebellum,
What is the cerebrocerebellum
24  cards
Limbic System
Where is the limbic system,
What are the general functions of...,
Where is the amygdala
32  cards
Perception of Pain
What does perception of pain depe...,
Which parts of nociceptive nerves...,
What is the most common pain channel
46  cards
Gustation and Olfaction
Where are taste buds found,
What are the 3 types of papillae,
What are the features of circumva...
26  cards
How are wavelength and pitch linked,
What determines the amplitude of ...,
What is infrasound
35  cards
Sensory Pathways 2
Which type of fibres does the neo...,
Which type of fibres does the pal...,
Where do second order neurones of...
51  cards
Control of Movement 2
What is motor equivalence,
What is required to stimulate the...,
What is the function of the premo...
24  cards
Control of Movement 3
What makes up the spinocerebellum,
What makes up the cerebrocerebellum,
What makes up the vestibulocerebe...
31  cards
Anatomy of Special Sense Organs
What may cause narrowing of the i...,
Where will tumours be located tha...,
What connects the middle ear to t...
26  cards
Language and Cognition
What is the mcgurk effect,
What is synaesthesia,
Where is wernickes area
19  cards
Sleep, Wakefulness and EEG
What are the three states of cons...,
What does an eeg pick up from the...,
What do peaks on eeg correlate to
46  cards

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  • Class purpose General learning

Learn faster with Brainscape on your web, iPhone, or Android device. Study Melanie Sneddon's Neurophysiology flashcards for their St Andrews University class now!

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Brainscape is a digital flashcards platform where you can find, create, share, and study any subject on the planet.

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