parasitology and entomology

This class was created by Brainscape user Carlamarita Hazelgrove. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (26)

Where is emerging resistance to a...,
What is the main cause of patholo...,
What are malaria fevers called an...
83  cards
Tsetse flies and trypanosomiasis
How many species of glossina are ...,
What are the two types of hat,
Describe the life strategy of tse...
25  cards
Gut protozoa and opportunistic parasites
What usually occurs within the cy...,
How can one explain the disparity...,
How many species of entamoeba are...
102  cards
Research methods
What is a type i error,
What is a type ii error,
What is colinearity
22  cards
Introductions to parasites, helminths and vectors
What is a direct and indirect par...,
What is a mechanical vector,
What is the difference between an...
70  cards
Anopheles and control
Which is the only vector for huma...,
What is incrimination,
How are anopheles eggs laid
20  cards
Emerging arboviruses
How could an emerging infectious ...,
What is an eid,
What contributes to a vector born...
43  cards
African trypanosomiasis
Describe the disease progression ...,
Describe the outcome of hat if no...,
When were the epidemics of hat
44  cards
South American trypanosomiasis and triatomines
Describe the lifecycle of t cruzi,
What is the kinetoplast,
How long between pseudocyst ruptu...
68  cards
Chemotherapy of leishmania and the trypanosomes
What are the disadvantages of the...,
What are the problems with the cu...,
Describe the success of vaccinati...
46  cards
What is the geographical range fo...,
How many spp of sandfly are there...,
Describe the appearance of sandflies
52  cards
What is the respective incidence ...,
Where do the promastigotes go onc...,
How do amastigotes within phagocy...
39  cards
Parasite immunology
Why do trypanosomes have a high d...,
When and where was there an epide...,
How why are immune reactions to t...
19  cards
Blackflies and filariasis vectors
What is onchocerca transmitted by...,
What is the vector for loa loa,
Where is the geographical distrib...
61  cards
Immunity to intestinal nematodes
What makes intestinal nematodes o...,
How do we think its possible for ...,
Why must our immune response to w...
31  cards
Nematodes and zoonotic nematodes
Why would humans get infected wit...,
How many trichonella species infe...,
What is the distribution of trich...
141  cards
What is the name of greenbottles ...,
What is the old world screw worm,
What is the new world screw worm
29  cards
Culicoides and culicoides borne viruses
What can culicoides transmit,
What is the size of culicoides,
What is the geographical distribu...
28  cards
Culicine mosquitos
What are the 4 main culecines tha...,
What are the differences between ...,
What are the differences between ...
55  cards
Malaria transmission dynamics and epidemiology
How can there be a thousand fold ...,
Describe malalarial immunity how ...,
What does r0 describe
24  cards
What are cestodes,
Are there any free living cestodes,
Where do the cestode larval stage...
115  cards
Schistosomes, immunology, and control
Describe the lifecycle of schisto,
What are the three most common sc...,
Where is s intercalatum found
89  cards
Filarial nematodes
What is the type of lifecycle tha...,
Where do eggs hatch,
Where do l2 and l3 larvae develop...
117  cards
Trematodes (intestinal, lung and liver)
Where does the asexual reproducti...,
Describe the general trematode li...,
What are metacercariae what is th...
59  cards
What are the two genera of medica...,
How are lice flattened compared t...,
Describe the terminalia of phthir...
41  cards
Parasite vaccines
What is a dna vaccine,
What is a viral vector vaccine,
What is a prime boost vaccine
10  cards

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parasitology and entomology

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