pe unit 3 sonny pigrem

This class was created by Brainscape user Anthony Miles. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

1.1 Different organisations in sport
What is the roles and responsibil...,
What is the roles and responsibil...,
What is the roles and responsibil...
9  cards
1.2 Roles and responsibilities of organisations in the UK
Who s role is sports development,
Who s role is setting rules and r...,
Who s role is organising competition
6  cards
1.3 How international organisations impact sport in the UK
What does the eu do,
What is the role of igbs committe...,
What is the role of european gove...
3  cards
1.4 How organisations interact
1 reason why international and na...,
1 reason why 2 national may inter...,
1 reason why 2 national may inter...
4  cards
2.1 What sports development is
What is the main goal,
What is the range of sports devel...,
Who is involved
4  cards
2.2 Purpose of sports development
How does it improve healthy living,
How does it improve regeneration,
How does it improve economic growth
4  cards
2.3 Sports development continum
Characteristics of foundation level,
Characteristics of participation ...,
Characteristics of foundation level
4  cards
2.4 Identify and explain different target groups
Barriers for minority groups,
Barriers for women in sport,
Barriers for
6  cards
3.1 How the impact of sports development can be measured
0  cards
3.2 Measuring performance/partcipation
0  cards
3.3 Purpose of measurement
0  cards
4.1 Methods of delivering sports development
0  cards
4.2 Characteristics of Sports development initiatives
0  cards
4.3 Methods of promotion
0  cards

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pe unit 3 sonny pigrem

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