personal biology

This class was created by Brainscape user neha p. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (27)

chapter 1 - biological molecules
0  cards
chapter 21 - recombinant DNA technology
What is recombinant dna,
What is an organism formed from r...,
Why is possible that dna of one o...
108  cards
chapter 20 - gene expression
What is a gene mutation,
What is a nonsense mutation,
What is a misense mutation
107  cards
chapter 19 - populations in ecosystems
0  cards
chapter 17 - inherited change
What is a genotype,
What is a phenotype,
What is an allele
43  cards
chapter 18 - populations and evolution
0  cards
chapter 16 - homeostasis
What is homeostasis,
How is homeostasis brought about,
Describe what happens when temper...
72  cards
chapter 15 - nervous coordination and muscles
What is a cell body,
What is a dendron,
What is an axon
51  cards
chapter 14 - responses to stimuli
What is a stimulus,
Describe the overall method when ...,
What is a taxes
51  cards
chapter 13 - energy and ecosystems
0  cards
chapter 12 - respiration
What is aerobic respiration,
What is anaerobic respiration,
What is glycolysis overall
26  cards
chapter 11 - photosynthesis
What is the site of photosynthesis,
What is the structure of a leaf t...,
What is the outline of photosynth...
24  cards
chapter 10 - biodiversity
Define a species,
Explain the binomial naming system,
Describe and explain courtship be...
25  cards
chapter 9 - genetic diversity and adaptation
How were classification system s ...,
What is biodiversity biological d...,
What is genetic diversity
27  cards
chapter 8 - DNA, genes, and protein synthesis
What is a gene,
Scientist discovered that there m...,
What is a degenerate code
55  cards
chapter 7 - mass transport
What is translocation,
What is transpiration,
What is the structure of mature x...
97  cards
chapter 5 - cell recognition and the immune system
What is an antigen,
What cells are involved in the hu...,
Which cells are involved in the c...
43  cards
chapter 6 - exchange
What type of structures will give...,
What type of structures will give...,
Why surface area to volume ratio ...
73  cards
chapter 4 - transport across cell membranes
0  cards
chapter 3 - cell structure
What is an eyepiece graticule,
What is a stage micrometer,
How do you calibrate the eyepiece...
6  cards
chapter 2 - nucleic acids
0  cards
statistical tests
What are the three types of stati...,
What does chi squared measure,
What does it mean if the chi squa...
19  cards
RP1: Investigating the effect of a named variable on the rate of an enzyme controlled reaction
We are investigating the effect o...,
Why do we add washing up liquid d...,
What is the procedure for this ex...
14  cards
RP2: Preparation of a root tip & Calculation of mitotic index
Where does mitosis take place in ...,
Describe the process of mounting,
How do you calculate what is the ...
17  cards
RP3: Using a dilution Series to identify the water potential of plant tissue
What are we investigating in this...,
Describe the procedure,
How do you calculate the mean cha...
9  cards
RP6: The use of a septic techniques to investigate the effects of antibiotics on microbial growth
What is an aseptic technique,
What are two examples of aseptic ...,
What are we looking at in this ex...
20  cards
RP9: Investigation of a variable on the rate of respiration of single celled organisms
In this experiment what are inves...,
What is yeast,
What is a procedure for this expe...
23  cards

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personal biology

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