This class was created by Brainscape user homie Lion. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

Indole alkaloids
What are alkaloids,
What are indole alkaloids,
What are some important drugs of ...
30  cards
Isoquinoline alkaloids
What are isoquinoline alkaloids,
Which plants are isolquinoline al...,
How are they synthesized
26  cards
Quinoline alkaloids
What are quinoline alkaloids,
Quinolines are derivatives of,
In which solvents they are soluble
15  cards
Pyridine-Piperidine alkaloids
Classification of pyridine piperi...
12  cards
1. Imidazole alkaloids
What is pilocarpine,
What is pilocarpine,
Give characteristics of pilocarpine
11  cards
2. Steroidal alkaloids
What are steroidal alkaloids,
What are important steroidal alka...,
What is veratrum viride
18  cards
3. Purine bases
What are purine bases,
Where do purines occur,
What are the 3 main purine bases
36  cards
4. Alkaloidal amines
What are some alkaloidal amines,
What is the alkaloidal conc of co...
18  cards
5. Glycosides and cardiac glycosides
What are glycosides,
What are the most frequently occu...,
What are the components of glycoside
25  cards
6. Anthraquinone Glycosides
What are anthraquinone glycosides,
Give the properties of these anth...,
What are the therapeutic uses of ...
35  cards
7. Saponin & Cyanophore glycosides
What are the properties of saponi...,
What are the types of saponin gly...,
What are neutral saponins
26  cards
8. Lactone and isothiocyanate Glycosides
What are coumarin glycosides,
What are the uses of coumarin gly...,
Which natural products contain la...
19  cards
9. Aldehyde and miscellaneous glycosides
What is vanillin,
What is vanilla,
Where is vanilla grown geographic...
19  cards
10. Steroids
What are steroids,
What are some steroids distribute...,
What is the general reaction for ...
50  cards
11. Fixed oils (Lipids- corn oils)
What are lipids,
What are fixed oils,
What are some characteristics of ...
50  cards
12. Fixed oils (Coconut oil - soybean oil)
What is the botanical origin of c...,
Give extraction of coconut oil,
What is the iodine number of coco...
35  cards
13. Waxes
What is the zoological origin of ...,
Which part is spermaceti obtained...,
How is spermaceti collected
23  cards
a. Volatile oils/ Hydrocarbon volatile oils
What are volatile oils,
What are essential oils,
Where is the difference between f...
28  cards

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