This class was created by Brainscape user Meg Wallace. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Define inflammation,
When is inflammation beneficial,
When is inflammation bad
195  cards
What is medicine optimisation,
What does medicine optimisation h...,
What are some examples of medicin...
118  cards
What are the sterile areas in the...,
What areas of the body are coloni...,
Examples of gram positive cocci
73  cards
What 3 conditions can pituitary a...,
Aetiology of acromegaly,
Risk factors for acromegaly
401  cards
What is thrombosis,
What is dvt deep vein thrombosis,
Which factors does warfarin preve...
375  cards
What is smouldering myeloma,
What is mgus,
What can come before multiple mye...
366  cards
public health + ethics
What is the guidance for alcohol ...,
Psychosocial effects of excessive...,
How much is one unit of alcohol
11  cards
GI + liver
What is gastritis,
What is the most common cause of ...,
What can cause erosive gastritis
442  cards
renal + GU
Which drugs can cause prerenal da...,
Why should you be cautious when p...,
What issues can renal impairment ...
277  cards
MSK + rheumatology
What conditions fall into inflamm...,
Difference between rheumatoid and...,
What is raynaud s
321  cards
What are the 2 main types of stroke,
What is the who definition of stroke,
What is a transient ischaemic attack
408  cards
What is asthma,
What makes up the atopic triad,
What is occupational asthma
235  cards
What is a type 1 hypersensitivity...,
What atopic conditions are ige me...,
In t1 hypersensitivity what is se...
28  cards
Updated ICS
What are the main causes of acute...,
How does acute inflammation appea...,
3  cards

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phase 2a

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