This class was created by Brainscape user Kat Qiao. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (26)

Acute stress reaction
Define an acute stress reaction,
What is the aetiology of an acute...,
Summarise the epidemiology of an ...
8  cards
Prolonged grief reaction
Define adjustment disorder and pr...,
Summarise the epidemiology of adj...
6  cards
Generalised anxiety disorder
Define generalised anxiety disorder,
What are risk factors for general...,
Summarise the epidemiology of gen...
7  cards
Obsessive compulsive disorder
Define ocd,
What are risk factors for ocd,
Summarise the epidemiology of ocd
7  cards
Panic disorder
Define panic disorder,
What are risk factors for panic d...,
Summarise the epidemiology of pan...
7  cards
Define phobia,
Explain the aetiology risk factor...,
Summarise the epidemiology of pho...
7  cards
Define ptsd,
Explain the aetiology risk factor...,
Summarise the epidemiology of ptsd
11  cards
What is adhd,
Explain the aetiology risk factor...,
Summarise the epidemiology of adhd
8  cards
Autism spectrum disorder
What is autism,
What is the aetiology of,
What is childhood autism
17  cards
Postnatal: Baby blues
Define baby blues,
What is the aetiolog,
What are risk factors for the bab...
8  cards
Postnatal: Postnatal depression
Define postnatal depression,
Explain the aetiology risk factor...,
Summarise the epidemiology of pos...
6  cards
Postnatal: Puerperal psychosis
Define puerperal psychosis,
What is the aetiology of puerpera...,
Summarise puerperal psychosis
9  cards
Bipolar affective disorder
Define bipolar affective disorder,
Explain the aetiology risk factor...,
Summarise the epidemiology of bip...
11  cards
Conduct disorder
Define conduct disorder,
Explain the aetiology risk factor...,
Summarise the epidemiology of con...
8  cards
What is dementia,
What is the aetiology of dementia,
What are the risk factors for dem...
17  cards
Depressive disorder
Define depressive disorder,
Explain the aetiology risk factor...,
Summarise the epidemiology of dep...
12  cards
Dissociative disorder
Define dissociative disorder,
Explain the aetiology risk factor...,
Summarise the epidemiology of dis...
7  cards
ED: Anorexia Nervosa
Define anorexia nervosa,
Explain the aetiology risk factor...,
Summarise the epidemiology of ano...
9  cards
ED: Bulimia Nervosa
Define bulimia nervosa,
Explain the aetiology risk factor...,
What are the symptoms of bulimia ...
8  cards
Learning disability
Define learning disability,
Explain the aetiology risk factor...,
What are some genetic risk factor...
19  cards
Personality disorder
Define personality disorder,
What is the aetiology of personal...,
Summarise the epidemiology of per...
19  cards
Define schizophrenia,
What are the icd 10 schizophrenia...,
How is paranoid schizophrenia cha...
19  cards
Define somatisation,
Explain the aetiology risk factor...,
Summarise the epidemiology of som...
7  cards
Substance Use Disorder: Alcohol
Define alcohol dependence,
Explain the aetiology risk factor...,
Summarise the epidemiology of alc...
11  cards
Substance Use Disorder: Drugs
What is the definition of acute i...,
What is the definition of drug mi...,
What is the definition of
20  cards
What is section 2,
How long does section 2 last,
Can you give medication under sec...
15  cards

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psychiatry y5

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