This class was created by Brainscape user esmae smith. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Sensory Memory
How does information enter our se...,
What are sensory registers,
Why are the stores passive
12  cards
Short Term Memory
What is the short term memory,
What is the preferred encoding of...,
What is the capacity of the stm
4  cards
Long Term Memory
What encoding does the ltm prefer,
What is the duration of the ltm,
What is the capacity of the ltm
16  cards
Multi Store Model
Who proposed the multi store memo...,
What is the multi store model,
What are the stm and ltm consider...
11  cards
Memory Basics.
What is memory,
What is meant by encoding
2  cards
Short Term Memory Tests
How did conrad research the encod...,
What happened after conrad presen...,
What were the expected results of...
5  cards
Evaluating the MSM
What evidence is the to support t...,
What did the study of hm show
2  cards
Working Memory Model
Who came up with the wmm,
What is the central executives fu...,
What is the central executive inv...
19  cards
Evalutating the WMM.
Explain the dual task evidence ev...,
What have pet scans done in regar...,
How does kf s case study help eva...
3  cards
Interference Theory
Define interference,
When is interference most likely ...,
What are the two types of interfe...
9  cards
Misleading Information
What forms can misleading informa...,
What is the effect of misleading ...,
What did skagerberg and wright find
8  cards
Cognative Interview
What is a cognitive interview,
How does a cognitive interview di...,
What 4 techniques does the cognit...
13  cards
Retrieval Failure
What is retrieval failure,
What is forgetting in the ltm tho...,
What is the encoding specificity ...
9  cards
What is ewt,
What factors can influence ewt,
What is misleading information
3  cards

More about
psychology- memory

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