quant finance lse

This class was created by Brainscape user Loïck Lépine. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (10)

Ch.1 Financial Markets, Prices and Risks
Danielsson mentions in the first ...,
What are the two types of market ...,
When providing an analysis on sto...
14  cards
Ch.2 Univariate Modelling
What is the formula for unconditi...,
What are two drawbacks of moving ...,
What are the weights given to eac...
22  cards
Ch.3 Multivariate Models
Say we deconte the number of asse...,
What assumption must be imposed i...,
What are two common numerical iss...
12  cards
Ch.4 Risk Measures
Define a risk measure and a risk ...,
Why is the standard deviation of ...,
What is the definition of value a...
18  cards
Ch.5 Implementing Risk Forecast
As a rule of thumb what is the mi...,
What is the analytical for var fo...,
What is the formula for forecaste...
11  cards
Ch.8 Backtesting and Stresstesting
What is backtesting how do we use...,
How is backtesting usefull in the...,
What is the difference between an...
9  cards
Ch.6 Analytical VaR for Stocks and Bonds
What is an option,
What are a call and a put option,
What is delta wrt options
5  cards
Ch.7 Sim. Methods for VaR for Options and Bonds.
What is one limitation of random ...,
What is the main flaw of linear c...,
3  cards
Ch.10 Endogenous Risk
Compare and contrast endogenous a...,
What are two important roles of p...,
What is one market mechanism whic...
4  cards
Ch.11 Market Risk Regulation
What is the main object of regula...,
What is the formula or equity,
What is the purpose of the basel ...
7  cards

More about
quant finance lse

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