reg phys and pharm

This class was created by Brainscape user Emma-Louise Laurenson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Calcium Homeostasis
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
29  cards
Hormonal Regulation of Appetite and Satiety
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38  cards
The Pancreas
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32  cards
Insulin action on liver and adipose tissues
- Name the hormones involved in regulating blood glucose - Describe what these hormones do to the body - Detail how these hormones work (molecular mechanisms of action) including actions on the liver and adipose
17  cards
Renal function and glucose homeostasis
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12  cards
Regulation of Blood Flow and Blood Pressure
- Describe the structure of a blood vessel and identify the cellular components - Understand the mechanisms by which the body can regulate blood flow and pressure - Discuss the key signalling pathways involved in vascular function and explain how these go wrong in disease - Explain current pharmacological strategies to improve vascular reactivity and blood flow
40  cards
Hormonal regulation of growth
- Describe the mechanism of synthesis and secretion of GH - Identify the factors influencing GH secretion - Describe the metabolic effects of GH - Describe the relationship between GH and insulin-like growth factors - Describe hormones affectiving growth beside GH - Identify factors influencing growth beside GH - Outline the types and pathophysiology of GH abnormalities
30  cards
Pharmacological treatments for T2DM
- Detail how these drugs work (molecular mechanisms of action) - Name the main pharmacological treatments - Understand which treatments are suitable for each form of diabetes - Describe the molecular action of diabetes treatments
16  cards
Bone turnover
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12  cards
Effect of insulin and exercise
- Describe the different types of glucose transporters expressed in cells and discuss their structural and functional properties - Describe the experiments that elucidated how insulin stimulates glucose uptake in muscle - Describe the signalling molecules involved in the activation of glucose transport by insulin - Describe the effects of muscle contraction on glucose uptake - Describe how muscle exercise and drugs such as metformin stimulate glucose uptake
12  cards
Thyroid Hormones
- Outline the TRH/TSH/T3 endocrine exis - Briefly summarise the basic structure and function of the Thyroid Gland - Describe the processes of Thyroid hormone (T4, T3, rT3) biosynthesis - Analyse the effects of THs on BMR, growth and development - Compare the causes and effects of hyper- and hypo-thyroidism - Learn the standard clinical treatments for thyroid-related disorders
39  cards
The Pituitary-Adrenal Axis
- State the class of hormone to which cortisol belongs and identify where it is synthesised - Describe signalling events associated with steroid-based hormones - Understand how ACTH release is regulated and discuss how it regulates cortisol release - Identify the sites of action of cortisol and explain how cortisol exerts its effects - Describe the cconsequences of cortisol excess and its deficiency and discuss the phenotypes manifested in Cushings syndrome and Addison's disease
43  cards
The Adrenal Gland and Adrenal Hormones
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
27  cards
Reproductive Endocrinology I
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
62  cards
Regulation of GI tract
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
18  cards
Reproductive Endocrinology II
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
45  cards

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reg phys and pharm

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