responses to crime

This class was created by Brainscape user Maisie Scott. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

The culture of control
What are the key themes of penal ...,
When was the era of penal welfarism,
Transformation to a culture of co...
25  cards
Adaptation and punitive control
Key criticisms of garland,
How does garland exaggerate simil...,
What are criticisms of the end of...
25  cards
What two types of courts are there,
Key facts about magistrates courts,
What percentage of cases end in m...
26  cards
What had punitive control changed,
What did garland say punitive con...,
What is the commercialisation of ...
25  cards
What did legislative and penal po...,
What is the average prison senten...,
What did redefining success do
36  cards
Death penalty
What is considered the ultimate i...,
What year did the uk abolish the ...,
What country is the only western ...
32  cards
Policing and crime control
What year and why was the establi...,
What did the new police initially...,
Why were the police a key gateway...
17  cards
Adaptation and punitive policing
What are adaptive strategies of c...,
What are 4 policing adaptations i...,
What is commercialisation of justice
11  cards
Policing below the state
Context for policing below the state,
What policing form is new and gro...,
What is responsible citizenship
19  cards
Policing beyond the state: Commercial policing
Commercialised policing as part o...,
What are the forms of commercial ...,
What does the commercial security...
17  cards
Crime prevention: restorative justice
What is restorative justice,
What are the processes of restora...,
What is reparation restorative ju...
9  cards
Crime prevention
What is the justice gap,
What is the preventive turn,
What is the impact of short priso...
27  cards
New directions in prevention: Security and emergent technologies
What do enthusiasts say technolog...,
Critics of technical policing,
What are critics of the feasibili...
6  cards
New directions in prevention: ignored insecurities and social harm
What was exemplified in mike davi...,
What is positive security,
What is an example of positive se...
5  cards

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responses to crime

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