This class was created by Brainscape user Don J. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (28)

Session 1: Intro to the Respiratory System
Main functions of the nasal cavity,
How is turbulent flow induced,
Why is it important to warm and m...
78  cards
Session 1: Diagrams
25  cards
Session 2: Lung Mechanics and Ventilation of the Lungs
What is ventilation,
What is tidal volume,
Briefly explain how breathing is ...
48  cards
Session 2: Some Disorders of Ventilation and Lung Mechanics
Give some common disorders of ven...,
Explain the relationship between ...,
Bronchioles have no cartilage how...
43  cards
Session 2: Case Studies
Name structures a knife would hav...,
Why would air flow into the pleur...,
A tube is placed in the pleural s...
12  cards
Session 3: Gas Exchange - Properties of Gases and Diffusion in the Lung
Boyle s law,
Dalton s law,
Explain the partial pressure of a...
37  cards
Session 3: Case Studies
If a gas mixture has a total pres...,
If the same gas mixture is satura...,
What will be the ph2o in alveolar...
9  cards
Session 3: Oxygen in the Blood
Why is haemoglobin needed for oxy...,
What is the arterial partial pres...,
Difference between haemoglobin an...
21  cards
Session 4: Carbon Dioxide in the Blood
Function of co2 in blood,
Where can co2 be found in blood,
How can co2 be found in plasma
43  cards
Session 4: Group Work
What will happen to the total con...,
What is cyanosis how could you cl...,
What is central cyanosis usually ...
5  cards
Session 4: Chemical Control of Breathing
Define hypoxaemia,
Why can the body tolerate small c...,
Define hypercapnia
43  cards
Session 5: Control of plasma pH
Normal ph range,
What is a blood ph,
What is a blood plasma above its ...
55  cards
Session 5: Group Work
1 a patient presents to you with ...,
You return to the same patient 3 ...,
Ph 722pco2 81hco3 24po2 89
18  cards
Session 6: Spirometry and Lung Function Measurements
What is spirometry,
What are the tracings generated b...,
Why would you use a spirometer
35  cards
Session 6: Ventilation-Perfusion Relationships in the Lung
Define pulmonary ventilation,
Define pulmonary gas exchange,
Define pulmonary perfusion
15  cards
Session 7: Cystic Fibrosis and Bronchiectasis
What is cystic fibrosis,
How to diagnose cf,
How may cf present in newborns
26  cards
Session 7: Hypoxia & Respiratory Failure
Steps of the oxygen supply chain,
Define hypoxia,
Define hypoxaemia
36  cards
Session 7: Asthma
Define asthma,
What are the 5 defining character...,
How does the airway obstruction i...
26  cards
Session 8: COPD
What is copd,
Copd is an umbrella term for two ...
49  cards
Session 8: Pneumonia
Define pneumonia,
What is inflammation of the lung ...
38  cards
Session 9: Tuberculosis
What is tb caused by,
Virulence factors of mycobacteriu...,
Incubation period of tb
41  cards
Session 9: Lung Cancer
Describe the incidence of lung ca...,
Prevention of lung cancer
31  cards
Session 9: Group Work
What features of this history and...,
What do you think you might hear ...,
Her arterial o2 is 87 what is nor...
24  cards
Session 10: Radiology II
What is important in order to hav...,
Inclusion what do we need to see ...,
Rotation what is important to see
31  cards
Session 10: Pneumothorax & Pleural Effusion
What is a pneumothorax,
Where does the air come from in a...,
Who commonly gets a primary spont...
39  cards
Session 10: Group Work
Best treatment option for primary...,
What is the most likely explanati...,
Given the findings in the right h...
14  cards
Session 11: Pulmonary Embolism
Definition of embolism,
What is a pulmonary embolism,
What can an embolus be
46  cards
Session 11: Signs and Symptoms of Respiratory Disease
Diseases involving airways,
Diseases involving lung parenchyma,
Diseases involving pulmonary circ...
40  cards

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