semester 2, 2019 design and analysis

This class was created by Brainscape user Rebekah Brasher. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (29)

Sub-topic 1: Estimation and model testing
Lecture 1
4  cards
Sub-topic 2: A framework for testing models
Week 1
10  cards
Sub-topic 1: Variables, distributions and summary statistics
Week 2
58  cards
Sub-topic 2: Accuracy and Precision
Week 2
0  cards
Sub-topic 2: Measuring Precision
Week 3
0  cards
Sub-topic 3: Estimation and sampling schemes
Week 3
0  cards
Sub-topic 4: Manipulative Experiments
Week 3
0  cards
Sub-topic 1: Problems with replication
Week 4
0  cards
Sub-topic 2: Problems with confounding
Week 4
0  cards
Sub-topic 3: Problems with independence
Week 4
0  cards
Sub-topic 4: Topic 3 Review Exercises
Week 4
0  cards
Sub-topic 5: Enhancements to Design
Week 4
0  cards
Sub-topic 1: Types of comparisons of two values
Week 5
0  cards
Sub-topic 2: Comparing the mean of a sample to a value (Mean-to-hypothetical)
Week 5
0  cards
Sub-topic 3: Means of paired samples
Week 5
0  cards
Sub-topic 4: Means of unpaired samples
Week 5
0  cards
Prelim: 3+ means
Week 6
0  cards
Prelim: Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
Week 6
0  cards
Sub-topic 1: One-factor ANOVA versus two factor
Week 6
0  cards
Subtopic 4: Assumptions of ANOVA
Week 6
0  cards
Sub-topic 2: One-factor ANOVA example
Week 6
0  cards
Sub-topic 3: Multiple comparisons tests
Week 6
0  cards
Sub-topic 5: Two-factor ANOVA
Week 7
0  cards
Sub-topic 1: Reasons for looking at frequency distributions
Week 8
0  cards
Sub-topic 2: Four particular “theoretical” distributions
Week 8
0  cards
Sub-topic 3: Comparing an observed and an expected distribution
Week 9
0  cards
Sub-topic 4: Comparing two or more observed distributions
Week 9
0  cards
Sub-topic 1: Why look at relationships
Week 10
0  cards
Sub-topic 2: Correlations
Week 10
0  cards

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semester 2, 2019 design and analysis

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