This class was created by Brainscape user Abdullah Shahzad. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Topic 1
What is cultural deprivation,
What are the 3 main aspects of cu...,
What are the two types of languag...
17  cards
Topic Two
What are the internal factors tha...,
Define labelling,
What did becker 1971 the daddy of...
21  cards
Topic Three
What are the main factors for eth...,
What are the factors of cultural ...,
What do bereiter and englemann be...
21  cards
Topic 4
What are the external factors for...,
What happened in 1970,
What are the internal factors for...
18  cards
Topic 1 Research Methods
Primary data,
Secondary data,
Define positivists
16  cards
Topic 6
Describe the organic analogy,
Which perspective came up with th...,
Who is the founding father of fun...
19  cards
Topic 1 Families and Households
How was childhood viewed in the m...,
How was childhood viewed from the...,
How was childhood viewed in the 2...
11  cards
Topic 5
What is the tripartite system 194...,
What is the comprehensive system ...,
Define covert selection
18  cards
Topic 2 Research Methods
Define the hawthorne effect,
What happened in milgrams laborat...,
What is an example of where the h...
5  cards
Topic 3 Research Methods
What are the two types of questio...,
What happened in shere hites study,
What happened in tarkis study que...
3  cards
Topic 4 Research Methods
What are the types of interviews
1  cards
Families And Households Topic 2
What are the different explanatio...,
What are the 3 key changes in the...,
Although divorce is the legal ter...
24  cards
Families And Households Topic 3
What are the 2 gender roles of fu...
1  cards

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