This class was created by Brainscape user Barney Hennessey. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

1. Functionalism, Strain and Subcultural Theories
Functionalist view of society,
2 causes of crime according to du...,
How does social change cause crim...
17  cards
2. Interactionism and Labelling Theory
Where do interactionists stand wi...,
Becker the social construction of...,
B scc
27  cards
3. Marxism
Do marxists support or reject os ...,
How are crime statistics biassed ...,
Fundamental marxist view of crime...
16  cards
3. 1. Neo-Marxism
Criticism of traditional marxism,
What do they believe w c crime is...,
What are w c criminals seen as
18  cards
4. Right Realism
Right realism on crime stats,
Right realism on crime,
Right realism influence
28  cards
4.1. Left Realism
What does left realism accuse mar...,
Lr take on white collar crime,
2 key right realists
18  cards
5. Statistics and Patterns of Crime - 1. Statistics and Patterns Of Crime
Why can police recorded statistic...,
According to the csew what makes ...,
What two factors make people more...
22  cards
5. Statistics and Patterns of Crime - 2. Gender and Crime
What did carol smart seek to answer,
Carol smart neglect of women in c...,
2021 government statistics on wom...
23  cards
5. Statistics and Patterns of Crime - 2.1 Feminist Perspective
Three elements of the feminist pe...,
Why are females less likely to co...,
3 settings where greater control ...
19  cards
5. Statistics and Patterns of Crime - 3. Social Class and Crime
Statistics aren t routinely colle...,
Statistics that suggest high w c ...,
Self report study conducted about...
16  cards
5. Statistics and Patterns of Crime - 4. Ethnicity and Crime
According to the moj what percent...,
How do crime statistics compare t...
22  cards
5. Statistics and Patterns of Offending - 4.1 Theorising Race and Criminality
Who developed the left realist ap...,
Core view of the left realist app...,
What crime is committed more by e...
25  cards
6. Crime and The Media - 1. Media Content and Crime
Which g and r carried out a revie...,
What did greer and reiner find ab...,
What did williams and dickinson f...
17  cards
6. Crime and The Media - Effects of The Media on Crime
Is the media criminogenic what do...,
Who came up with the possible cri...,
4 possible criminogenic effects o...
11  cards
7. Globalisation and Crime - 1. Globalisation and Crime
According to the 1999 un developm...,
What is the total value of transn...,
Who talked about criminal network...
13  cards
7. Globalisation and Crime - 2. Green Crime
Green crimes,
Who is effected by green crimes,
Who developed the concept of envi...
17  cards
7. Globalisation and Crime - 3. Human Rights and State Crime
State crime,
2 issues with state crimes,
What does the human security repo...
20  cards
8. Control, Prevention, Surveillance, Punishment and The CJS
Principle of situational crime pr...,
What does situational crime preve...,
Is situational crime prevention a...
32  cards

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sociology - crime and devience

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