sources of wisdom and authority (some sda theology!!!!!)

This class was created by Brainscape user 7JMegan Hall-Murray. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

The Bible
What are some quotes from matthew...,
Beliefs about the bible,
What s a denomination
14  cards
Inspiration and authority of the Bible
Whats the definition of apostles,
What is evangelical protestantism
31  cards
"inspired by God" but written by humans
Problem with j resurrection,
The catholic view on b inspired b...,
Catholic view of inspiration
7  cards
Protestant perspective on authority of bible
Gospel of matthew quote,
Early protestant churches,
What dud church have to subscribe...
5  cards
The Church
The spec says,
Number 1,
Number 2 bible as special revelation
20  cards
Spiritual Resurrection
Whats the spiritual resurrection,
What happens in spiritual resurre...,
What do christians support spirit...
11  cards
different interpretations of heaven, hell + purgatory?
What was believed about judgement,
What is catholic teaching about p...,
The divine comedy
5  cards
heaven, hell + purgatory as physical
As physical,
What happened during periods of p...,
Crime led to
7  cards
judgement, heaven, hell+purgatory as spiritual
Why spiritual,
What does spiritual change,
Heaven as spiritual
6  cards
judgement, heaven, hell + purgatory as psychological realities
Why psychological,
John 17 3,
As psychological realities
9  cards
objective immortality in process thought
Whats objective immortality,
Whats subjective immortality,
Whats panentheism
13  cards
Lesson 5
Jesus the teacher,
Richard dawkins quote about jesus...,
Jesus the teacher
33  cards
Lesson 6
Christian responses to jesus teac...,
Matthew 5 38 48,
Son of god
15  cards
Lesson 7
Jesus as a role model,
What does it mean if jesus is und...,
11  cards

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sources of wisdom and authority (some sda theology!!!!!)

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Learn faster with Brainscape on your web, iPhone, or Android device. Study 7JMegan Hall-Murray's Sources of wisdom and authority (some SDA THEOLOGY!!!!!) flashcards for their Sacred Heart High School class now!

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