special populations

This class was created by Brainscape user Anna Nietzel. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

What leads to changes in drug dis...,
What changes contribute to mental...,
Why do the elderly have increased...
17  cards
Urinary Incontinence
Why is ui higher is women than men,
What type of ui is most common in...,
What type of ui is most common in...
81  cards
What is glaucoma,
What is open angle glaucoma,
What is closed angle glaucoma
63  cards
Women's Sexual Dysfunction
What are the 3 types of women s s...,
How long do symptoms have to be p...,
How long do symptoms have to be p...
27  cards
Male HRT and BPH
What morning t levels are conside...,
How many low morning t levels are...,
What ar sx of low t
46  cards
Parkinsons Med Chem
What is the pathophysiology of pd...,
Neuronal loss in what area of the...,
Neuronal loss in what area of the...
77  cards
Dementia Med Chem
0  cards
Dementia Theraputics
What are the 10 warning signs of ad,
What are risk factors for ad,
What i
26  cards
What are the primary types of ost...,
What are s s of osteoporosis,
What are the impacts of begets ve...
97  cards
Ca Homeostasis
What does ca regulate in the body,
What controls ca regulation,
Where does pth directly affect ca
10  cards
Medical Marijuana
Where are most cb1 receptors located,
Where are most cb2 receptors located,
What effect does thc have on cb1 ...
28  cards
EOL/ Palliative Care
0  cards
Specialty Pharmacy
0  cards
0  cards
What is a biosimilar,
What is an extrapolation of indic...,
What is an interchangeable biosim...
4  cards

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special populations

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