This class was created by Brainscape user Jenna Tapper. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (49)

E1 L1 - Autonomic Nervous System
Autonomic nervous system,
Two main systems of autonomic,
Regulation of ans
24  cards
E2 L1: Biosynthesis of Steroid Hormones
Explain the,
Intracellular signaling,
Cell surface signaling
15  cards
E2 L2: Androgens
Describe the regulation of testos...,
Distinguish the role of lh in tes...,
Distinguish the role of fsh in te...
20  cards
E2 L3/4: Estrogens
Describe the change in estrogen l...,
Describe the change in progestero...,
Explain the regulation of estroge...
20  cards
E2 L5: Progestins
List the physiological effects of...,
List the clinical uses of progestins,
Identify the structural character...
8  cards
E2 L10: Osteoarthritis
Factors affecting osteoarthritis,
47  cards
Practice Q's
Which of the following is not an ...,
The inhibition of the first step ...,
Select the structure of cortisol
50  cards
Androgens Drugs
Testosterone cypionate
17  cards
Estrogens Drugs
17a alkylated estrogens,
Ethinyl estradiol,
31  cards
Progestin drugs
1st generation progestin names,
1st gen progestin properties
13  cards
45  cards
Inflammation signs,
Chemical mediators of inflammation
4  cards
EX. 3 - Asthma
Episodic bronchospasm resulting f...,
Asthma is an of the bronchi,
Episodic bronchospasm causes
47  cards
Ex. 3 - COPD
Copd affects _ of the us adult po...,
_ if copd patients are smokers,
Copd definition
22  cards
Ex. 3 - Histamines 1
Where is histamine stored,
An important mediator of inflamma...,
Histamine is synthesized in _ and _
39  cards
Ex. 3 - Asthma Drugs - ICS
Inhaled corticosteroids ics preve...,
Ics function,
20  cards
Ex. 3 - Asthma Drugs : LABA
Laba moa,
Aformoterol tartrate
17  cards
Ex. 3 - Asthma Drugs: LAMA
Lama moa,
Lama drugs
14  cards
Ex. 3 - Asthma Drugs: ICS/LABA
Ics laba,
Ics laba combo drugs,
Fluticasone salmeterol
14  cards
Laba lama combo,
Laba lama combo treat asthma,
Laba lama combo drugs
14  cards
Ex. 3 - Asthma Drugs: LABA/LAMA/ICS Combo
Laba lama ics combination,
Laba lama ics combination tx,
Laba lama ics combo drugs
8  cards
Ex. 4 L1 - MHT 1 (35)
When menopause is diagnosed,
Perimenopause climacteric
33  cards
Ex 4 L2. MHT 2 (36)
Current recommendations for mht o...,
Methods of admin for combined est...,
E p continuous cyclic therapy
33  cards
Ex 4 L3: Thyroid Hormones 1 (37)
Thyroid c cells make,
Flip thyroid gland see small glands,
Thyroid hormones
28  cards
Ex 4. L4 Thyroid Hormones 2 (38)
Tsh test,
Free t4 test,
Test of autoimmunity atga
52  cards
Ex. 4 L5 Ca+ Homeostasis (39)
What cells are responsible for in...,
99 of calcium in the body is,
Calcium is an important
44  cards
Ex 4. L6: Ca+ Homeostasis (40)
1st line drug to treat osteoporosis,
Drugs to treat osteoporosis high ...,
Vitamin d and osteoporosis
22  cards
Ex. 5 L1: Preventative Health/Nonhormonal Contraception (43)
Menstural cycel,
Preventative health annual exam,
Breast exam
32  cards
Ex 5. L2-3 Preventative Health/Nonhormonal Contraception (44-45)
Different types of hormonal contr...,
Estrogen hormones in contraceptives,
Progestin hormones in contraceptives
40  cards
Ex. 5 L4 - Transgender, Abortion, Contraceptives (46)
Barriers to communication w trans...,
Contraception transgender men,
36  cards
Ex. 5 L5 -Abnormal Bleeding (47)
Normal bleeding,
Types of abnormal bleeding,
38  cards
Ex. 5 L6 - Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (48)
Pcos stats,
Clinical presentation of pcos,
Pcos symptoms
13  cards
Ex. 5 L7 - Infertility (49)
0  cards
Ex. 5 L13 (56)
What is gender affirming care,
Diagnostic criteria for gender dy...,
Why do we have to diagnose gender...
23  cards
Medications Exam 5
Contraception efficacy rank,
Which depot can we prescribe,
If patient is experiencing acne w...
29  cards
Ex. 6 L1 - Macronutrients (L-58)
Carbohydrates as energy source,
Excess carbohydrates are converte...,
Which organs can store glycogen
42  cards
Ex.6 - Micronutrients (59-60)
Daily values,
Dietary reference intakes,
Dietary reference intakes explained
28  cards
Ex. 6 - GI Protection (61-62)
Drugs affecting gastric secretion,
Drugs that increase gi motility,
Reduce gi motility
51  cards
Ex 6. GERD/PUD (63)
Gerd epidemiology,
Contributing factors of gerd
44  cards
Ex.6 PUD (64)
Peptic ulcer disease,
Contributing factors
35  cards
Diarrhea (65)
0  cards
Ex. 6 - Constipation (66-67)
How do you define constipation,
Constipation stats,
Abcs of defectaion
39  cards
Ex. 6 - IBS
0  cards
Ex: 6 - Nausea/Vomiting (68)
Retching arcadas
33  cards
Ex. 6 - Intro to Pediatrics (69)
Pediatric patient populations,
Children are are not small adults,
Pediatric terminology
25  cards
Ex 6. -Pediatrics (70-71)
0  cards
FINAL- Cough, Cold OTC, (72)
Scholar mac,
Productive cough
25  cards
FINAL - Skin infections, Hemorrhoids, Supplements (73)
Minor wounds exclusions for self ...,
Skin minor wounds self treatment,
31  cards
FINAL - Dermatology
Largest organ in the human body,
Role of the pharmacist in managin...,
Key pharmacist properites
16  cards

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