topics in medical biosciences

This class was created by Brainscape user Rhea Khakhria. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

What are the main two components ...,
What is the haematocrit,
What composition of the plasma in...
39  cards
Platelets and clotting
What are the 4 components of haem...,
What happens during step 1 of hae...,
Describe platelet structure
42  cards
Heme Metabolism
Why do we have to build our own h...,
What are porphyrins,
Name 5 diverse functions of metal...
40  cards
Anemia & Thalassemia
What is the definition of anemia,
What are the reference levels for...,
What are the outcomes of anemia
19  cards
Practical uses of Antibodies
What are antibodies immunoglobulins,
What is an epitope,
How can you create a phage librar...
13  cards
White Blood Cells
How to white blood cells maintain...,
What type of cells become more an...,
What are the 5 main types of leuc...
34  cards
How many new cancer cases are the...,
What is the definition of a tumour,
What is the difference between a ...
46  cards
Neuronal Metabolism
What 2 types of intracellular sig...,
What are some physiological roles...,
What is the involvement of intrac...
40  cards
What is the definition of a drug,
How do g protein coupled receptor...,
What active compounds have been i...
33  cards
Where is memory located,
How do neurotransmissions take place,
What causes the action potential
44  cards
What is the definition of pain,
What is the biological importance...,
What are the types of pain
25  cards
Brain Diseases
What are the positive and negativ...,
What does the treatment of schizo...,
How does the drug reserpine work ...
43  cards

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topics in medical biosciences

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