ubp set #2 (extra topics) copy

This class was created by Brainscape user Claire Joseph. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (8)

Extra Topic 2.1 -- Liposuction
A 36-year-old, 84 kg, female presents for suction assisted lipectomy of approximately 3000 mL of fat from the flanks and posterior thighs. Her past medical history is unremarkable. Medications include multivitamin and oral contraceptives.
6  cards
Extra Topic 2.7 -- Stellate Ganglion Block (Local Anesthetic Toxicity)
(Shortly after receiving a stellate ganglion block with bupivacaine, a 28-year-old female patient is noted to have difficulty speaking and reports dizziness, difficulty swallowing, and shortness of breath.)
6  cards
Extra Topic 2.2 -- Cancer Pain (Celiac Plexus Block)
A young man with pancreatic cancer is taking oral pain medications, 100 mg of controlled-release morphine sulfate (MS Contin) every 8 hours and 30 mg of immediate-release morphine sulfate every 3 hours, as needed for breakthrough pain. He presents to you with inadequate pain control, nausea, vomiting, and constipation.
4  cards
Extra Topic 2.3 -- Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
A 35-yr-old man has diffuse burning pain in his left arm that began 6 months ago after suffering blunt trauma to his hand during a pick-up basketball game. His left finger tips are cyanotic.
3  cards
Extra Topic 2.4 -- Epiglottitis
You are called to the emergency room to assist with a 2-year-old girl that presents with fever, drooling, stridor, and substernal retractions.
4  cards
Extra Topic 2.5 -- Pituitary Tumor
A 41-year-old female is scheduled for transphenoidal resection of a pituitary tumor.
4  cards
Extra Topic 2.6 -- Pulmonary Edema
A 23-year-old pregnant patient at 33 weeks gestation, who is receiving terbutaline for premature labor, presents with respiratory distress. On exam, you hear crackles bilaterally.
4  cards
Extra Topic 2.8 -- Fetal Bradycardia with Neuraxial Anesthesia & Denervated Heart
(A 38-year-old, 64 kg female in labor is admitted for induction of labor. She is planning to receive an epidural at some point for pain control. You learn that she suffered from viral cardiomyopathy and required a heart transplant 8 years ago. Vital Signs: HR = 110; BP = 155/88 mmHg.)
8  cards

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ubp set #2 (extra topics) copy

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